Jackson’s EPA once asserted that two of its rules — the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and the Mercury Air Toxics Standard — would annually produce benefits of $380 billion — equal to about 2.5% of US GDP! Continue reading Lisa Jackson pushes canard that $1 worth of EPA rules bring $30 in economic benefits
Month: April 2013
Lisa Jackson steals credit for environmental justice at EPA
The bogus concept was actually brought to EPA in 1990 (during the administration of George H.W. Bush) in the form of the Workgroup on Environmental Equity and expanded into an office of its own in 1992. Continue reading Lisa Jackson steals credit for environmental justice at EPA
Lisa Jackson on EPA endangerment finding: It ‘was just wonderful’ because EPA scientists ‘had been drowned out for many years by climate critics’
Antarctic researchers freeze, risk lives to advance global warmism
“It will provide insight into what happens when the Earth warms.” Doubtful. Continue reading Antarctic researchers freeze, risk lives to advance global warmism
IBD: NASA Global Warming Extremist Hansen Leaves To Fight Canadian Pipeline
“The man who once compared coal trains to Nazi boxcars headed to crematoria leaves government service to fight what he calls the “pipeline to disaster” and promote his brand of climate quackery.” Continue reading IBD: NASA Global Warming Extremist Hansen Leaves To Fight Canadian Pipeline
Birdbrain feminist in NYTimes: “Women can be the ‘canaries’ for climate change”; Calls for “climate justice”
The conceit: “women in developing countries are especially affected by climate change because of their need to secure food, fuel and water.” Continue reading Birdbrain feminist in NYTimes: “Women can be the ‘canaries’ for climate change”; Calls for “climate justice”
Peter Gleick: Freeman Dyson’s climate views ‘will forever tarnish and diminish his legacy’
Hey Peter… do you mean “tarnish and diminish” like your theft and forgery of Heartland documents? Continue reading Peter Gleick: Freeman Dyson’s climate views ‘will forever tarnish and diminish his legacy’
Gavin Schmidt: Princeton physicist, Einstein successor Freeman Dyson is ‘dumb’
Below is one of warmist Gavin Schmidt’s tweets from a conversation bemoaning the NJ.com interview with Princeton physicist Freeman Dyson. Continue reading Gavin Schmidt: Princeton physicist, Einstein successor Freeman Dyson is ‘dumb’
Dyson on Journalists: ‘They’re absolutely lousy… I don’t know why they’ve been brainwashed’
“It was similar in the Soviet Union. Who could doubt Marxist economics was the future? Everything else was in the dustbin.” Continue reading Dyson on Journalists: ‘They’re absolutely lousy… I don’t know why they’ve been brainwashed’
More Dyson: ‘CO2 is good for vegetation. About 15% of ag yields are due to CO2 we emit… it’s a real plus to burn coal and oil’
Freeman Dyson on climatologists: ‘I just think they don’t understand the climate. Their models are full of fudge factors’
Report: Arkansas oil spill may have reached Lake Conway
It’s a manmade lake that may require a manmade clean-up. Continue reading Report: Arkansas oil spill may have reached Lake Conway