“When she opened the floor for questions, a former president of the Princeton University College Republicans asked if she regretted her use of an alternative e-mail address at the EPA, an issue that led to an investigation of sorts.” Continue reading Angry Lisa Jackson offers defense against secret EPA e-mail account — Bush administration did it too
Month: April 2013
Sequester Casualty: Sam Kass, White House chef and food policy dilettante
White House chef Sam Kass inserted himself into food regulatory policy discussions at the White House. Industry reps would go to OMB for a meeting and find themselves sitting across from Obama’s cook. Oy vey! Continue reading Sequester Casualty: Sam Kass, White House chef and food policy dilettante
Study: Cuban food and fuel shortages from 1980-2010 produced modest population wide-weight loss and reduced T2 diabetes, heart disease
This is based on 4 surveys (1991, 1995, 2001 & 2011) of small populations samples (1657, 1351, 1667 and 1492 adults) — an obviously silly way of estimating population-wide weight change, and then attributing it to changes in living standards, especially in Cuba. Worsening living conditions have never made any population “healthier.” Continue reading Study: Cuban food and fuel shortages from 1980-2010 produced modest population wide-weight loss and reduced T2 diabetes, heart disease
NOAA Magic: New study claims to confirm land warming without taking any measurements; Temps ‘inferred’ from barometric pressure
NOAA says it was trying confirm whether its adjustments for the urban heat island effect were accurate — and, abracadabra, they were! Yeesh. Continue reading NOAA Magic: New study claims to confirm land warming without taking any measurements; Temps ‘inferred’ from barometric pressure
Broke California giving away up to $55,000 vouchers to purchase hybrid/electric vehicles
Only $12 million left — so hurry on down to your car/truck dealer now and get your share of OPM. Continue reading Broke California giving away up to $55,000 vouchers to purchase hybrid/electric vehicles
Claim: Air pollution in California associated with childhood cancer — So where was all the childhood cancer in the 1950s, 60s and 70s?
If this association were true, there would have been a huge spike in childhood cancer during the 1950s and 1960s. This is junk science because the weak statistical associations are based on unknown exposure data (exposure data is only guesstimated) and the biological implausibility of lumping different types of cancer together (i.e., if an exposure causes cancer, it probably causes one sort of cancer not all sorts). Continue reading Claim: Air pollution in California associated with childhood cancer — So where was all the childhood cancer in the 1950s, 60s and 70s?
Irony: Gov. Moonbeam agrees to help Beijing clean its dirty air; But America’s “worst” air is in California
With all California’s problems, does Jerry Brown really have so much spare time that he can afford to be an air pollution consultant to Beijing? Continue reading Irony: Gov. Moonbeam agrees to help Beijing clean its dirty air; But America’s “worst” air is in California
Video: Salt Guru exposes corrupted government effort to rig dietary guidelines for salt intake
Check out the machinations contrived to deny the National Institute of Medicine’s 2015 Dietary Guidelines Committee the opportunity to independently evaluate all the new published evidence that cautions against mindless, junk science-fueled salt reduction.
Related viewing: Video: Salt Guru debunks Heart Association ‘body count’ study
Moniz: On energy, Obama ‘is an all-of-the-above person’ — FLASHBACK to yesterday: Obama insider says plan is to ‘kill coal’ in 10 years
Let’s just say there is some daylight between the views of Ernest Moniz and Bill McKibben as to what Obama wants. Continue reading Moniz: On energy, Obama ‘is an all-of-the-above person’ — FLASHBACK to yesterday: Obama insider says plan is to ‘kill coal’ in 10 years
Obama Energy nominee Moniz: Wants more private $$$ in clean energy — FLASHBACK: Calpers pulling out after annual 10% losses
In response to question from Washington state Sen. Maria Cantwell at the confirmation hearing. Cantwell supports “luring private sector dollars” into clean energy. But large institutional investor Calpers just pulled out after 10% annual losses since 2007. So “luring” is what it takes. Continue reading Obama Energy nominee Moniz: Wants more private $$$ in clean energy — FLASHBACK: Calpers pulling out after annual 10% losses
Obama Energy nominee Moniz says even natural gas will eventually require carbon capture; But such capture is fiscally and physically impossible
Moniz’s response to a question from Colorado Sen. Mark Udall. Said that natural gas was only a “bridge” to a “low carbon economy.” Moniz also reiterated that “the scientific basis for warranting action [on global warming] is completely clear.” Continue reading Obama Energy nominee Moniz says even natural gas will eventually require carbon capture; But such capture is fiscally and physically impossible
Obama Energy nominee Moniz refuses to put time limit on taxpayer support of renewables
Moniz completely failed to answer WV Sen. Joe Manchin’s question, “How long will taxpayers have to subsidize renewables?” Continue reading Obama Energy nominee Moniz refuses to put time limit on taxpayer support of renewables