Canadian Minister: ‘People aren’t as worried as they were before about global warming of 2 deg… Scientists have told us that our fears are exaggerated.’

Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver is casting doubt on climate change science. Continue reading Canadian Minister: ‘People aren’t as worried as they were before about global warming of 2 deg… Scientists have told us that our fears are exaggerated.’

RIP latest meat scare: Clinical studies show L-carnitine ‘improves patient outcomes following heart attack’ — So how could it cause atherosclerosis?

A 4-day scare. Continue reading RIP latest meat scare: Clinical studies show L-carnitine ‘improves patient outcomes following heart attack’ — So how could it cause atherosclerosis?

New Yorker: Has Obama already given up on climate change?

“But the budget released this week makes it clear that Obama’s surprising appeal to Congress was an empty piece of rhetoric. The phrase “climate change” appears twenty-nine times in the new budget, but there is no new plan for Congress to take up in Obama’s otherwise ambitious legislative blueprint. There are some worthy energy initiatives that could achieve modest reductions in emissions, but the budget is silent on what Obama will do to aggressively reduce carbon pollution by the biggest emitters, like power plants and automobiles.” Continue reading New Yorker: Has Obama already given up on climate change?

UN leader hails Margaret Thatcher as climate warrior: Ban Ki Moon ignores that the Iron Lady turned skeptic

Ban Ki Moon “pays tribute to her contribution to addressing climate change, having been one of the first world leaders to issue a warning about its effects by calling for action at the U.N. General Assembly already in 1989,” his spokesman said Monday. Continue reading UN leader hails Margaret Thatcher as climate warrior: Ban Ki Moon ignores that the Iron Lady turned skeptic

NYU prof says cancer risk from soot begins at 8 micrograms/cubic meter — But EPA human tests go as high as 750

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. The more dangerous EPA says PM2.5 is, the bigger the hole it digs for itself. Continue reading NYU prof says cancer risk from soot begins at 8 micrograms/cubic meter — But EPA human tests go as high as 750

GOP Congressman says you could subpoena all medical records from 60 miles around any coal plant and never find case of mercury poisoning

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. Rep. Lee Terry (R-Neb.) gets the mercury con. Continue reading GOP Congressman says you could subpoena all medical records from 60 miles around any coal plant and never find case of mercury poisoning

Utility Lawyer: If there were a truth-in-advertising rule for EPA, agency would constantly be in front of the FTC

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. None of the benefits (or only very little, $500,000?) estimated for EPA’s “Mercury Air Toxics Standard” (costing $10 billion) came from mercury reduction. Continue reading Utility Lawyer: If there were a truth-in-advertising rule for EPA, agency would constantly be in front of the FTC

Study: Chinese CO2 emissions make Chinese daily temps spike 2-3-degrees F — Claim based on ClimatePlayStation (i.e., modeling)

AP: “People don’t notice changes in averages, but they feel it when the daily high is hotter or when it doesn’t cool off at night to let them recover from a sweltering day.” Continue reading Study: Chinese CO2 emissions make Chinese daily temps spike 2-3-degrees F — Claim based on ClimatePlayStation (i.e., modeling)

NYU med prof claims bus exhaust caused 3-week hospitalization for asthma attack — RealityDrop: EPA exposes asthmatics to 10x more diesel with no harm

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. As it turns out, the “victim” had a pre-existing pulmonary condition but nevertheless stood at the bus exhaust pipe for 5 minutes or so. Continue reading NYU med prof claims bus exhaust caused 3-week hospitalization for asthma attack — RealityDrop: EPA exposes asthmatics to 10x more diesel with no harm

Reuters: Lack of warming no reason to change climate policy — RealityDrop: Re-think would finish-off MSM credibility

“This slowdown may indicate that the more extreme estimates for climate sensitivity are less likely to prove true. It is not yet an argument for changing the central estimates.” Continue reading Reuters: Lack of warming no reason to change climate policy — RealityDrop: Re-think would finish-off MSM credibility