Environmental Injustice: Complying with EPA standards no longer a defense in environmental justice complaints

Complying with EPA standards has been a rebuttable presumption in actions brought under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 — no longer under a draft EPA policy. Continue reading Environmental Injustice: Complying with EPA standards no longer a defense in environmental justice complaints

WaPo Columnist: Government’s bad bet on Fisker

“Government can efficiently affect energy usage through fuel taxes and basic research. When it intervenes on behalf of specific technologies and specific companies, however, bad things happen — resource misallocation, windfall-seeking, even, sometimes, corruption. The Fisker debacle proves once again that, in the immortal words of former White House economist Larry Summers, ‘government is a crappy VC’.” Continue reading WaPo Columnist: Government’s bad bet on Fisker

Anti-nuke activists accuse EPA of weakening radiation disaster protection guidelines

“IMAGINE THAT the Boston bombers didn’t pack nails into pressure cookers but instead packed highly radioactive material. How would the government be responding?” Continue reading Anti-nuke activists accuse EPA of weakening radiation disaster protection guidelines

Do text messages from EPA officials belong in FOIA records?

“The researcher who exposed former EPA chief Lisa P. Jackson’s private email account is now taking aim at her potential successor — and is expanding the inquiry into the world of mobile phone text messages, which are shaping up as the next frontier in open-records legal battles.” Continue reading Do text messages from EPA officials belong in FOIA records?

20 Years Ago: 4-30-93 — Democrat-controlled Senate narrowly votes down bill to compel EPA cost-benefit analysis for major rules

In opposition to the bill, Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell said: Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-30-93 — Democrat-controlled Senate narrowly votes down bill to compel EPA cost-benefit analysis for major rules

Food nannies blame salt for Maltese high blood pressure even though salt intake unknown

The Times of Malta may want to salt its news reports with a few facts. Continue reading Food nannies blame salt for Maltese high blood pressure even though salt intake unknown

Bloomberg News Editorial: Approve Keystone XL Now; ‘Doesn’t pose a disqualifying threat to the environment’

“Rather than encourage more study, President Barack Obama should now prod the State Department to move as fast as possible to approve the pipeline and get this overblown and needlessly divisive controversy off the nation’s agenda.” Continue reading Bloomberg News Editorial: Approve Keystone XL Now; ‘Doesn’t pose a disqualifying threat to the environment’

EPA’s Destructive Workfare Economics: Pointless GE PCB clean-up creates 350 jobs at a cost of $2.86 million per job

That doesn’t include jobs created for lawyers and lobbyists, including at the utility GE is now suing — all over a clean-up that is not only unnecessary, but actually causing water pollution. Continue reading EPA’s Destructive Workfare Economics: Pointless GE PCB clean-up creates 350 jobs at a cost of $2.86 million per job

Study: Eating omega-3s, avoiding meat preserves memory — unless you’re diabetic

Because the brains of diabetics are different — or because the study is another exercise in statistical stupidity? Continue reading Study: Eating omega-3s, avoiding meat preserves memory — unless you’re diabetic

EPA study cites report from admitted data fakers

“The Environmental Protection Agency’s revised draft assessment of an Alaska mine project cited research from environmental consultants who admitted falsifying a report in an environmental lawsuit.” Continue reading EPA study cites report from admitted data fakers