NRDC tries deflecting racism charges by claiming ‘deep connection’ between global warming and MLK on 45th anniversary of assassination

Memo to NRDC: Carbon dioxide emissions have nothing to do with air pollution. Try again, please.

From Denée Reaves’ blog:

Many wonder how Martin Luther King Jr.’s civil rights activism and the climate change fight are connected. Let me be the first to say that the work of both MLK and Rev. Yearwood has a deep connection. According to the article by Cheryl Katz, People in Poor Neighborhoods Breathe More Hazardous Particles, many low income and minority neighborhoods are the most prevalent victims of environmental injustice. These neighborhoods are frequently subjected to power plants, high ways, and refineries which result in air pollution that cause serious health problems in these neighborhoods: “It’s a common scenario in cities nationwide: Due to high housing costs and historical discrimination, low-income and minority neighborhoods are clustered around industrial sites, truck routes, ports and other air pollution hotspots.” There is a clear connection between what MLK fought for, and what many around the world are fighting for right now.

Click for more on the racism allegations.

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