EPA Acting Administrator pushes canard that new gasoline regs will produce $7 of benefits for every $1 of costs — RealityDrop: Rules are all cost, no benefit

No, EPA is not a golden goose whose rules magically create wealth.

Bob Perciasepe says that the new Tier 3 regs will prevent 2,400 deaths annually, each valued at about $9 million, against costs of about $3 billion per year. But the death toll is entirely made-up as is the valuation of lives. For details read pp. 8-16 of “EPA’s Clean Air Act: Pretending That Air Pollution Is Worse Than It Is.”

Click for Bob Perciasepe’s blog post.

5 thoughts on “EPA Acting Administrator pushes canard that new gasoline regs will produce $7 of benefits for every $1 of costs — RealityDrop: Rules are all cost, no benefit”

  1. Some other folks have made similar promises. They all reside in the crowbar hotel.

  2. $9 million per saved life? On what the heck basis? Oh, sorry, the same basis that makes a budget responsible when its per-household spending has reached our per-household average income. I knew that.

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