Claim: Breast implants interfere with breast cancer diagnosis

Weak statistical associations from a meta-analysis in which the researchers admit to not adjusting their results for confounding factors. Continue reading Claim: Breast implants interfere with breast cancer diagnosis

Al Gore slams journos for not asking Obama about ‘climate crisis’ at press conference

This is left-handed swipe at Obama for being all talk and no action on climate. Continue reading Al Gore slams journos for not asking Obama about ‘climate crisis’ at press conference

Study: Environmental Labels May Discourage Conservatives from Buying Energy-Efficient Products

Probably because environmental labels are like a sign flashing “CAUTION: THIS PRODUCT IS A JUNK SCIENCE-BASED RIP-OFF!” Continue reading Study: Environmental Labels May Discourage Conservatives from Buying Energy-Efficient Products

Claim: Sleeping duration linked with higher colon cancer risk

Dubious if not automatically self-debunking — data from the perpetual junk science machine (i.e., self-reported and unverified data, multiple inquiry fallacy) known as the Nurses Health Study. Continue reading Claim: Sleeping duration linked with higher colon cancer risk

Claim: Secondhand smoke presents greater threat to teen girls than boys

Regardless of the validity of the researchers dubious HDL claims, unfortunately for these researchers, cholesterol levels have nothing to do with risk of heart disease. Continue reading Claim: Secondhand smoke presents greater threat to teen girls than boys

WebMD offers dangerous junk science-based dietary salt advice…

… even though one of its cited “experts” tacitly admits there is no established cause-and-effect relationship between typical/normal/current salt intake and adverse health effects. Continue reading WebMD offers dangerous junk science-based dietary salt advice…

New York AG: Keystone XL construction is illegal; View positioned as ‘neutral’ because pipeline not running through NY

“Mr. Schneiderman says, the State Department’s belief that the pipeline could be constructed without damaging the environment runs contrary to federal environmental law…” Continue reading New York AG: Keystone XL construction is illegal; View positioned as ‘neutral’ because pipeline not running through NY

Native American Tribal Judge: ‘Keystone XL = Death’; Certain rupture to cause children, grandchildren to die of thirst

Written in ignorance or disregard of all the existing pipelines over the Ogallala aquifer. Continue reading Native American Tribal Judge: ‘Keystone XL = Death’; Certain rupture to cause children, grandchildren to die of thirst

Facebook CEO on enviro sh*t list for supporting Keystone XL, fracking

“It’s great that Mark Zuckerberg is promoting immigration reform. Too bad he has to do so by echoing big oil’s agenda,” Daniel Weiss, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, told POLITICO. Continue reading Facebook CEO on enviro sh*t list for supporting Keystone XL, fracking