Al Gore Canard: 20-something NASA engineers put us on the moon — so 20-somethings can stop the climate from changing?

The average age at mission control may have been 26, but Wernher von Braun, the chief architect of the Saturn V rocket was 57. You can bet that other key technology was also developed by experienced engineers. And what’s age got to do with global warming anyway? Continue reading Al Gore Canard: 20-something NASA engineers put us on the moon — so 20-somethings can stop the climate from changing?

Shielding EPA’s McCarthy from scrutiny is what’s ‘totally bogus’

“Totally bogus.” That’s how Joe Davis, environmental journalist and director of the Society of Environmental Journalists’ WatchDog Project, describes “the concerns over fake emails.” Continue reading Shielding EPA’s McCarthy from scrutiny is what’s ‘totally bogus’

Study: A soda a day increases T2 diabetes risk by 22%

It is a mystery how these researchers can show that the specific 150 calories from daily cans of soda can cause diabetes. No doubt if all factors for type 2 diabetes were adequately accounted for, this claimed result would vanish. Continue reading Study: A soda a day increases T2 diabetes risk by 22%

GE Capital cuts off funding to small gun stores

“GE Capital is still doing business with merchants with more diverse lines of business, including Wal-Mart Stores, the nation’s largest seller of guns and ammunition, and Dick’s Sporting Goods, he added.” Continue reading GE Capital cuts off funding to small gun stores

Rentseekers win in North Carolina: State House committee defeats proposal to end renewable energy program

The Committee on Public Utilities and Energy voted 18-13 Wednesday to kill a proposal that would have ended the state policy of subsidizing solar farms and other forms of renewable energy. Continue reading Rentseekers win in North Carolina: State House committee defeats proposal to end renewable energy program

Gore: As with Iraq War, media conspiring to ‘keep public in the dark about global warming’

Hey, I thought only free market types believed in conspiracy theories! Continue reading Gore: As with Iraq War, media conspiring to ‘keep public in the dark about global warming’

Canadian Minister: Global warming hysteria is ‘nonsense’; Hansen ‘should be ashamed’

“In a post-speech question-and-answer session at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the minister dropped his usual carefully measured tone to decry leading climate-change scientist James Hansen.”

Read more at the Globe and Mail.

Hansen: Fossil fuel industry to blame for childhood asthma — Irony: Increase in asthma correlates with cleaner air

Warmist James Hansen, late of NASA, is now a pulmonologist. Continue reading Hansen: Fossil fuel industry to blame for childhood asthma — Irony: Increase in asthma correlates with cleaner air

Good News: 94% of young Chernobyl thyroid cancer victims in total/near-total remission

“The study participants were among the highest-risk young patients exposed to radiation from the accident.” Continue reading Good News: 94% of young Chernobyl thyroid cancer victims in total/near-total remission

Anti-salt nannies push study that actually debunks alleged benefits of salt reduction

They’re counting on you not reading the study. Continue reading Anti-salt nannies push study that actually debunks alleged benefits of salt reduction