Hansen slams Boxer-Sanders carbon tax bill: ‘As usual they cannot keep their hands off our wallets, proposing to make government 40% bigger’

Who knew Hansen had an anti-government streak? Continue reading Hansen slams Boxer-Sanders carbon tax bill: ‘As usual they cannot keep their hands off our wallets, proposing to make government 40% bigger’

Hansen debunks Al Gore’s Venus scenario for warming: ‘Only plausible on billion-year time scale’

The latest from warmist James Hansen. Continue reading Hansen debunks Al Gore’s Venus scenario for warming: ‘Only plausible on billion-year time scale’

Unions Split on Keystone XL: Laborers ‘repulsed’ by unions siding with enviro ‘job killers’ out to ‘destroy the lives of working men and women’

“The Keystone issue has caused a Big Labor schism between those who favor the pipeline and those who want to make common cause with environmentalists.”

Read more in the Washington Examiner.

20 Years Ago: 4-16-93 — Earth Day TV special forecasts natural disasters turn U.S into wasteland by 2017

Though we still have four years to go, TV has ironically become the wasteland. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-16-93 — Earth Day TV special forecasts natural disasters turn U.S into wasteland by 2017

Missing NASA docs on Hansen may be at Hansen’s house?

As posted earlier, CEI is concerned that NASA may be destroying James Hansen docs that have been FOIA-ed. Check out this interview of Hansen from 2000 — the docs could very well be at Hansen’s home. Continue reading Missing NASA docs on Hansen may be at Hansen’s house?

Depression, stress higher in people with lower salt intake

“Data from the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey demonstrated that depression and stress was higher in individuals who consumed less salt, a trend more prevalent in women than men.” Continue reading Depression, stress higher in people with lower salt intake

The Economist: EU carbon credits will rate below junk bonds for years

“EUROPE’S flagship environmental policy has just been holed below the water line. On April 16th the European Parliament voted by 334 to 315 to reject proposals which (its supporters claimed) were needed to save the emissions-trading system (ETS) from collapse. Carbon prices promptly fell 40% (see chart). Some environmentalists fear that the whole edifice of European climate policy could start to crumble.” Continue reading The Economist: EU carbon credits will rate below junk bonds for years

Is NASA destroying records related to the retiring Jim Hansen?

Now that warmist Jim Hansen is retiring from NASA, the Competitive Enterprise Institute worries that NASA may be destroying records that are part of litigation over Hansen-related Freedom of Information Act requests. NASA’s response to CEI’s concern is less than reassuring. Continue reading Is NASA destroying records related to the retiring Jim Hansen?

NAS on National Climate Assessment: ‘It’s also critical that we don’t give the skeptics more ammunition’

Thank you for that. Continue reading NAS on National Climate Assessment: ‘It’s also critical that we don’t give the skeptics more ammunition’

NAS on National Climate Assessment: ‘If the draft cannot get these facts right and if it glosses over model capabilities and limitations, then one must be skeptical of its outcomes’

So skepticism is okay after all. Continue reading NAS on National Climate Assessment: ‘If the draft cannot get these facts right and if it glosses over model capabilities and limitations, then one must be skeptical of its outcomes’