Progressive Racism: 100th Anniversary of Woodrow Wilson re-segregating the federal government

“One hundred years ago today, Woodrow Wilson brought Jim Crow to the North.” Continue reading Progressive Racism: 100th Anniversary of Woodrow Wilson re-segregating the federal government

WaPo: Obama right to de-emphasize global warming; ‘So much focus on it has long crowded out other issues’

The WaPo says Congress is the best forum for climate change. Continue reading WaPo: Obama right to de-emphasize global warming; ‘So much focus on it has long crowded out other issues’

House Committee approves bill to overhaul EPA Science Advisory Board

JunkScience helped get this reform started. The bill requires disclosure of agency grants to Science Advisory Board members and other reforms. Continue reading House Committee approves bill to overhaul EPA Science Advisory Board

British Columbia government fires four for citing global warming skeptic in report on carbon neutrality

“Tansey said he’s been asking in the letters why the office’s report on carbon-neutral government relied on a paper by climate-change skeptic Cornelus van Kooten without acknowledging his ‘bias’.” Continue reading British Columbia government fires four for citing global warming skeptic in report on carbon neutrality

Warmists push Malthusianism: ‘Millions face starvation as world warms, say scientists’

The enviros have not cared about the poverty-stricken in Africa so far… Continue reading Warmists push Malthusianism: ‘Millions face starvation as world warms, say scientists’

Did Gina McCarthy cut a deal with Senate GOP for EPA administrator job? Confirmation for delay in the power plant emission rules

Inquiring minds want to know. Continue reading Did Gina McCarthy cut a deal with Senate GOP for EPA administrator job? Confirmation for delay in the power plant emission rules