Nature mag forced to admit warming has stopped: New Climate Deniers say ‘the ocean ate my global warming’

The first step in any recovery program is admitting you have a problem. Continue reading Nature mag forced to admit warming has stopped: New Climate Deniers say ‘the ocean ate my global warming’

Schwarzenegger sweats California warming in LATimes op-ed; RealityDrop: State ranks 41st in warming since 1970

Of course, it is called “global warming” — and there’s been none of that for 17 years. Continue reading Schwarzenegger sweats California warming in LATimes op-ed; RealityDrop: State ranks 41st in warming since 1970

Schwarzenegger: ‘Over the last 100 years, sea levels have risen about 7 inches’ in SanFranBay; RealityDrop: No sea level rise in 70 years

Arnold needs to stop reading the propaganda and get some facts. Continue reading Schwarzenegger: ‘Over the last 100 years, sea levels have risen about 7 inches’ in SanFranBay; RealityDrop: No sea level rise in 70 years

Schwarzenegger: ‘Heat the leading cause of weather-related deaths’; RealityDrop — Frigid March kills 5,000 in UK

Newflash to the Therminator: Cold weather always kills more — even in balmy Southern California. Continue reading Schwarzenegger: ‘Heat the leading cause of weather-related deaths’; RealityDrop — Frigid March kills 5,000 in UK

WaPo: Fracking an energy version of D-Day or Waterloo; Winner will determine energy/climate policy for decades

So now we know what’s at stake and who the bad guys are. Continue reading WaPo: Fracking an energy version of D-Day or Waterloo; Winner will determine energy/climate policy for decades

More ‘the ocean ate my global warming’

“Climate change could get worse quickly if huge amounts of extra heat absorbed by the oceans are released back into the air, scientists said after unveiling new research showing that oceans have helped mitigate the effects of warming since 2000.” Continue reading More ‘the ocean ate my global warming’

Joe Romm Hypocrisy: Delingpole jests are ‘hate speech’; But Romm ignored serious enviro call for ‘Climate Nuremberg’

Check the web site and you’ll find no condemnation by Joe Romm of the serious call for Nuremberg-type trials by Grist’s Dave Roberts, who was subsequently forced to issue a retraction. Continue reading Joe Romm Hypocrisy: Delingpole jests are ‘hate speech’; But Romm ignored serious enviro call for ‘Climate Nuremberg’

Mann Sycophant: ‘There is a trend to threaten climate science promoters with death, imprisonment, execution, etc’

A comment as devoid-of-evidence and bogus as Mann’s hokey stick trend. Continue reading Mann Sycophant: ‘There is a trend to threaten climate science promoters with death, imprisonment, execution, etc’

Michael Mann still trying to silence critics; Wants opinion writer fired from newspaper for joke about warmist industry tried by hanging judge

Michael Mann goes after Telegraph columnist James Delingpole for joshing the climate alarmist industry ought to answer questions before a hanging judge. Continue reading Michael Mann still trying to silence critics; Wants opinion writer fired from newspaper for joke about warmist industry tried by hanging judge

Largest Omani newspaper blames ‘large-scale manufacturing processes’ for global warming — omits mention of oil, gas

Oman produces more than 900,000 barrels of oil per day. Continue reading Largest Omani newspaper blames ‘large-scale manufacturing processes’ for global warming — omits mention of oil, gas