Josh Fox to slam fracking again: Gasland II to premiere at Tribeca Film Fest on April 21

“Gasland Part II is the definitive proof that issues raised by fracking cannot be ignored for long” — right-o. Continue reading Josh Fox to slam fracking again: Gasland II to premiere at Tribeca Film Fest on April 21

NOAA: ‘Climate literacy’ for kids includes knowing both the Mann and Marcott hokey sticks

The IPCC has abandoned Mann’s. Marcott has debinked his own. Why is NOAA teaching this junk? Continue reading NOAA: ‘Climate literacy’ for kids includes knowing both the Mann and Marcott hokey sticks

NOAA urges teachers to terrorize kids on climate: Dissolve a shell in acid to simulate ocean acidification by 2100

“Images on this page show what happens to a pteropod (pronounced “TARE-oh-pod”) shell when it is exposed to seawater with a pH that is lower than normal. After 45 days, the shell slowly dissolves. Earth’s ocean is not this acidic yet, but is predicted become this acidic by the year 2100 if humans continue the present pattern of adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.” Continue reading NOAA urges teachers to terrorize kids on climate: Dissolve a shell in acid to simulate ocean acidification by 2100

NOAA urges teachers to terrorize kids on climate: ‘Make an extinction polyhedron’ because climate changes causes ‘mass extinction events’

“The cause of most mass extinction events involved some type of climate change.” Continue reading NOAA urges teachers to terrorize kids on climate: ‘Make an extinction polyhedron’ because climate changes causes ‘mass extinction events’

Cornell President on fossil fuel divestment: “I’ve got to think long and hard before I put at risk fund flows that will benefit poor students”

“Bizarre” Bill McKibben’s quixotic divestment campaign is losing to fiscal reality. Continue reading Cornell President on fossil fuel divestment: “I’ve got to think long and hard before I put at risk fund flows that will benefit poor students”

Industry defends insecticides alleged to threaten bees; Neonicotinoids add €4.5bn annually—similar to the value added by the agriculture of Austria, Finland

In addition to these benefits, the danger to bees is junk science-fueled. Continue reading Industry defends insecticides alleged to threaten bees; Neonicotinoids add €4.5bn annually—similar to the value added by the agriculture of Austria, Finland

Four Penn State profs to bicycle to DC to raise awareness on climate; ‘A journey of faith’

Faith is what it takes to believe Penn State’s own Michael Mann. Continue reading Four Penn State profs to bicycle to DC to raise awareness on climate; ‘A journey of faith’

Frigid March killed 5,000 in UK; Spring failed to come earlier; Reminder that colder is worse than warmer

“Death rates are believed to have been heightened by more than 5000 by the acutely frigid March. The elderly, impoverished, ailing and homeless persons were believed to be most at risk as Britain shivered through the second-coldest March on record.” Continue reading Frigid March killed 5,000 in UK; Spring failed to come earlier; Reminder that colder is worse than warmer

Canadian enviro proposes graphic global warming warning labels for gas pumps; Pictures of at-risk arctic caribou, starving families in Africa, and a sad child looking at his own reflection

“The future of the planet is literally in the palm of your hand (when you pick up the nozzle).” Continue reading Canadian enviro proposes graphic global warming warning labels for gas pumps; Pictures of at-risk arctic caribou, starving families in Africa, and a sad child looking at his own reflection

WaPo Op-ed: Relying on renewable energy ‘unwise’, ‘far from realistic’; Carbon reduction ‘more sensible’ way to win race against global warming’

“Worldwide coal production increased about eight times faster than solar- and wind-power generation last year.” Continue reading WaPo Op-ed: Relying on renewable energy ‘unwise’, ‘far from realistic’; Carbon reduction ‘more sensible’ way to win race against global warming’

New Green Hope: White House chief of staff ‘takes [global warming] very seriously’

“Here’s what a lot of people don’t know about McDonough: He has a background on climate change, and he takes the issue very seriously.” Continue reading New Green Hope: White House chief of staff ‘takes [global warming] very seriously’