Climate Ethics Prof: ‘U.S. emissions in Pennsylvania are causing floods in other areas’

Don Brown lectures, “We will only solve this problem when we have a social movement that demonizes the unjustifiable use of energy.” Continue reading Climate Ethics Prof: ‘U.S. emissions in Pennsylvania are causing floods in other areas’

Reuters White House reporter says Obama talking climate at SF fundraiser ‘to offset concern that he will approve Keystone pipeline’

Obama also says he expects Nancy Pelosi to be Speaker of the House again. Continue reading Reuters White House reporter says Obama talking climate at SF fundraiser ‘to offset concern that he will approve Keystone pipeline’

Hansen Unleashed: ‘All of President Obama’s achievements will fade if he doesn’t act swiftly and decisively on climate change’

In his first op-ed since announcing his retirement from NASA, James Hansen rails against the Keystone XL in the Los Angeles Times. Continue reading Hansen Unleashed: ‘All of President Obama’s achievements will fade if he doesn’t act swiftly and decisively on climate change’

Limit on billionaire’s war against skeptics: ‘Won’t engage on climate to the detriment of Democratic chances in a race’

Note to ConservAmerica: RINO enviros are targeted for extinction, too. Continue reading Limit on billionaire’s war against skeptics: ‘Won’t engage on climate to the detriment of Democratic chances in a race’

NASA statement on Hansen’s retirement: Lots of kudos, but no mention of arrests, crazy statements, blocking coal trains, Soros connection, $1 million in outside income, etc.

Hansen’s has earned a butterfly net, not a pension from taxpayers. Continue reading NASA statement on Hansen’s retirement: Lots of kudos, but no mention of arrests, crazy statements, blocking coal trains, Soros connection, $1 million in outside income, etc.

Heidi Cullen: Forecasted above-average warming for April-June = global warming

Her tweet about NOAA’s 3-month weather forecast is hash-tagged for the climate category on Twitter. Continue reading Heidi Cullen: Forecasted above-average warming for April-June = global warming