Michael Mann accuses prominent skeptic of threatening to shoot him, other warmists

Loon-atic Mann complains that an essay by 75-year old Ron Arnold of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise that was posted on a AmmoLand.com is a “thinly-veiled” threat. Continue reading Michael Mann accuses prominent skeptic of threatening to shoot him, other warmists

Former EPA official Al ‘Crucify Them’ Armendariz urges UNC to divest from coal

Armendariz is the former EPA regional administrator who was forced to resign after being exposed as a mini-tyrant/terrorist. Continue reading Former EPA official Al ‘Crucify Them’ Armendariz urges UNC to divest from coal

Gaia [hearts] Fracking: Lovelock a supporter

“More recently he has come out in support of fracking, not as a solution to our energy problems but as a way of buying time. Lovelock favours these technologies on pragmatic grounds, but there are deeper reasons why his view of them is at odds with that of most contemporary greens.” Continue reading Gaia [hearts] Fracking: Lovelock a supporter

Drama Queen Michael Mann: Life as a Target — ‘My plight is dramatic’

Too bad soap opera has gone out of style — “As the Climate Changes” would have been perfect for him. Continue reading Drama Queen Michael Mann: Life as a Target — ‘My plight is dramatic’

What planet are they living on? As freezing Britain faces a grave energy crisis, ministers unveil more green gimmicks and eco taxes. What folly

From Christopher Booker. Continue reading What planet are they living on? As freezing Britain faces a grave energy crisis, ministers unveil more green gimmicks and eco taxes. What folly

Easterbrook attacked for Washington state testimony: Dept head says ‘it’s unfortunate that someone who really isn’t an active expert in their field is being chosen to discuss this important topic’

Don Easterbrook seems pretty active to us. Continue reading Easterbrook attacked for Washington state testimony: Dept head says ‘it’s unfortunate that someone who really isn’t an active expert in their field is being chosen to discuss this important topic’

NY warns investors on climate risks: Cuomo says ‘There is a 100-year flood every two years now’

More Cuomo: ““It’s inarguable that the sea is warmer and that there is a changing weather pattern.” Continue reading NY warns investors on climate risks: Cuomo says ‘There is a 100-year flood every two years now’