Yale Alumni Magazine profiles Mann; Quotes Morano as saying ‘Mann is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with climate science today’

“Yale Alumni Magazine | The most hated climate scientist in the US fights back.” Continue reading Yale Alumni Magazine profiles Mann; Quotes Morano as saying ‘Mann is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with climate science today’

Hansen: You’ve got to ‘influence the nature of the measurements… so that the key information can be obtained’

It’s all about “appropriately” analyzing the data. Continue reading Hansen: You’ve got to ‘influence the nature of the measurements… so that the key information can be obtained’

NYTimes Public Editor: ‘Not convinced… environmental coverage will be as strong’ without recently-axed Green blog

This says something; the Green Blog’s editor has been reassigned to… the Culture department. Continue reading NYTimes Public Editor: ‘Not convinced… environmental coverage will be as strong’ without recently-axed Green blog

NYTimes expects EPA nominee to devise way of phasing out coal

“The bigger problem is what to do with existing plants, which provide a big chunk of the nation’s electricity and which cannot be shut down quickly or by fiat. Devising a gradual phaseout will require ingenuity and persistence in the face of what are sure to be strong legal and political challenges from industry.” Continue reading NYTimes expects EPA nominee to devise way of phasing out coal