NIH Director Regrets Taxpayer-Funded Hatchet Job Linking Tea Party to Big Tobacco

Collins called the study, led by anti-smoking activist Stanton Glantz, “an unfortunate outcome,” saying, “We thought we were funding a different kind of research when those grants were awarded.” Continue reading NIH Director Regrets Taxpayer-Funded Hatchet Job Linking Tea Party to Big Tobacco

Congressmen demand investigation of EPA selectively blocking FOIAs

“An internal email that appears to counsel Environmental Protection Agency officials on delaying or obstructing inconvenient Freedom of Information Act requests has sparked congressional demands for an investigation.” Continue reading Congressmen demand investigation of EPA selectively blocking FOIAs

UDelaware Prof: Tasty food not socially responsible

“What companies basically did and still do is to exploit our vulnerabilities when it comes to sugar, fat and salt. It is certainly legal, but is it responsible? I doubt.” Continue reading UDelaware Prof: Tasty food not socially responsible

Fools and Their Money: Investors Seek Ways to Profit From Global Warming — Not the Scare, the Actual Warming!

“Working under the assumption that climate change is inevitable, they’re investing in businesses that will profit as the planet gets hotter… Continue reading Fools and Their Money: Investors Seek Ways to Profit From Global Warming — Not the Scare, the Actual Warming!

Senate Foreign Relations chief Menendez plans Keystone pipeline hearing

In DC or the Dominican Republic? Possibly Al “Happy Ending” Gore could testify and, afterwards, swap party girl stories with Menendez. Continue reading Senate Foreign Relations chief Menendez plans Keystone pipeline hearing