The Bad Astronomer defends Michael Mann for ducking Spencer debate: Says Spencer’s beliefs justify avoiding debate

I don’t agree, therefore, I won’t debate? Continue reading The Bad Astronomer defends Michael Mann for ducking Spencer debate: Says Spencer’s beliefs justify avoiding debate

Michael Mann defends his own cowardice by insulting others; Stossel a ‘shill’ and ‘hack’; Fans an ‘army of Orcs’

Stossel invited Mann to be a guest. Mann insulted Stossel in his refusal and now again. Continue reading Michael Mann defends his own cowardice by insulting others; Stossel a ‘shill’ and ‘hack’; Fans an ‘army of Orcs’

Greens petition Supreme Court to reinstate EPA cross-state air pollution rule

“A divided three-judge panel tossed out the rule in August of 2012 and a wider slate of judges declined to reconsider that ruling in January. Continue reading Greens petition Supreme Court to reinstate EPA cross-state air pollution rule

Planned Parenthood conference to focus on ‘Human Dimensions of Climate Change’ — while also supporting post-birth infanticide

Abortion as emissions control policy? Continue reading Planned Parenthood conference to focus on ‘Human Dimensions of Climate Change’ — while also supporting post-birth infanticide

Shock Video: Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion

“Alisa LaPolt Snow, the lobbyist representing the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, testified that her organization believes the decision to kill an infant who survives a failed abortion should be left up to the woman seeking an abortion and her abortion doctor.” Continue reading Shock Video: Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion

Al Gore to speak at Stanford on April 23; Honoring warmist who said ‘no such thing as a safe level’ of CO2

This is open to the public. Continue reading Al Gore to speak at Stanford on April 23; Honoring warmist who said ‘no such thing as a safe level’ of CO2

Stossel slams Michael Mann for ‘arrogance’ in refusing to debate Roy Spencer; John, we call it cowardice

“It’s because of this arrogance @MichaelEMann that I had an empty chair on my show last night.” Continue reading Stossel slams Michael Mann for ‘arrogance’ in refusing to debate Roy Spencer; John, we call it cowardice

Inhofe: Flop warmist movie ‘leveraging the unknown to incite fear and raise money to make people like Al Gore even wealthier’

“Science has been co-opted by those who care more about peddling gloom-and-doom fear tactics to drive their own broader political agenda.” Continue reading Inhofe: Flop warmist movie ‘leveraging the unknown to incite fear and raise money to make people like Al Gore even wealthier’

German weather service attacked for denying Arctic ice behind cold weather; RealClimate-er says meteorologists not qualified to talk about climate

Of course, the recent cold spell is a weather (not a climate) effect — which maybe climatologists (aka tealeaf readers) are not qualified to discuss? Continue reading German weather service attacked for denying Arctic ice behind cold weather; RealClimate-er says meteorologists not qualified to talk about climate