Harvard Nanny Walter Willet: Soda ‘is all harm, no nutritional value’

But calories are the most important and basic form of nutrition. You can live a lot longer without vitamins/minerals than you can without calories. Continue reading Harvard Nanny Walter Willet: Soda ‘is all harm, no nutritional value’

Boxer: 2010 failure of cap-and-trade caused ‘hotter days’ and ‘more and more severe storms’

From her ongoing floor speech. Continue reading Boxer: 2010 failure of cap-and-trade caused ‘hotter days’ and ‘more and more severe storms’

Gore: TV journalism more important than investors, global warming in sale of Current TV

Global warming took a back seat in Al Gore’s sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera. Continue reading Gore: TV journalism more important than investors, global warming in sale of Current TV