Climategate 3.0: More evidence of Revkin’s special connection to Climategaters

Phil Jones says Real Climate (i.e., Climategater website) and NYTimes reporter Andy Revkin “know” but the skeptical Climate Audit hasn’t yet picked up on the Yamal link. But when McIntyre finds out, he will “blow his top.” [Addendum: Revkin “knows” because Jones e-mailed him.] Continue reading Climategate 3.0: More evidence of Revkin’s special connection to Climategaters

Climategate 3.0: Phil Jones slams hockey stick debunkers — ‘have never developed a tree-ring chronology in their lives’

Memo to Phil Jones: one doesn’t need to be Steven Spielberg to know whether a movie is any good. Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Phil Jones slams hockey stick debunkers — ‘have never developed a tree-ring chronology in their lives’

McIntyre on Marcott’s New Hokey Stick: ‘I’m disappointed that Marcott refused to explain… when asked politely’

“My own surmise is that the situation is worse than that: that the uptick in the alkenone (and other reconstructions) is an artifact, but of what I don’t know.” Continue reading McIntyre on Marcott’s New Hokey Stick: ‘I’m disappointed that Marcott refused to explain… when asked politely’

Climategate 3.0: Tom Wigley says Naomi Oreskes’ work is ‘useless’?

Merchants of Doubt author Naomi Oreskes claimed in a 2004 study that 75% of published studies supported “the consensus” while the remainder expressed no view. Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Tom Wigley says Naomi Oreskes’ work is ‘useless’?

Oregon Congressman DeFazio blames ‘engines and turbines’ for more warming in past 100 years than past 100 centuries’

The clueless DeFazio relies on the debunked Marcott. Continue reading Oregon Congressman DeFazio blames ‘engines and turbines’ for more warming in past 100 years than past 100 centuries’

Bloomberg to host international mayors summit on global warming; Goal is to reduce GHG emissions by trivial amount

Even James Hansen and Bill McKibben would scoff at this paltry reduction. Continue reading Bloomberg to host international mayors summit on global warming; Goal is to reduce GHG emissions by trivial amount

Waxman releases discussion paper for ‘Waxman-Markey II: The Carbon Tax’

But Markey has been replaced by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Representative Earl Blumenauer, and Senator Brian Schatz. Main feature is a $15-$35 carbon tax. Continue reading Waxman releases discussion paper for ‘Waxman-Markey II: The Carbon Tax’

Climategate’s FOIA speaks: ‘It’s time to tie up loose ends and dispel some of the speculation surrounding the Climategate affair’

Has the heroic leaker of the Climategate e-mails reached out again? Continue reading Climategate’s FOIA speaks: ‘It’s time to tie up loose ends and dispel some of the speculation surrounding the Climategate affair’