Sen. Roy Blunt placing a hold on Obama’s EPA nominee

Missouri Republican Sen. Roy Blunt said on Monday that he is placing a hold on Gina McCarthy, President Obama’s pick to run the Environmental Protection Agency, which could delay a full Senate vote on the nominee. Continue reading Sen. Roy Blunt placing a hold on Obama’s EPA nominee

Pete McMartin: ‘Climate change deniers cherry-picking in a fruitless debate’

The debate, of course, is not about whether climate is changing, but: (1) to what degree it is changing; (2) whether human activity is driving it; (3) whether climate change is adverse on a net basis; and, finally, (4) what, if anything, could be reasonably done about any potential adverse consequences. Continue reading Pete McMartin: ‘Climate change deniers cherry-picking in a fruitless debate’

LexiCON: Warmists claim no shift in terminology from ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change’

Can’t wait for the denial that they blown through “extreme weather” and into “climate disruption.” Continue reading LexiCON: Warmists claim no shift in terminology from ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change’

Michael Mann touts ClimateProgress’ Laugher — Romm’s vertical temperature spike projection

Reconstructed temps, projected temps — but no real temps… or yeah, those are flat. Continue reading Michael Mann touts ClimateProgress’ Laugher — Romm’s vertical temperature spike projection

ClimateProgress Laugher: Joe Romm chart has projected temps going vertical — starting now!

Ten-nine-ignition-sequence-starts-six-five-four-three-two-one-lift-off-Joe-Romm-has-lift-off. Continue reading ClimateProgress Laugher: Joe Romm chart has projected temps going vertical — starting now!

National Research Council: Petroleum use, GHG emissions could drop 80% by 2050 with ‘strong government policies’

Policies to “to overcome high costs and influence consumer choices.” Continue reading National Research Council: Petroleum use, GHG emissions could drop 80% by 2050 with ‘strong government policies’

Striking Down Bloomberg’s Soda Ban: A Matter of Law, Not Activism

“… But everyone agrees the question properly before the court was not whether the judge agreed with the ban. It was instead whether the ban could pass muster under the relevant New York precedent…” Continue reading Striking Down Bloomberg’s Soda Ban: A Matter of Law, Not Activism

New Alarm: 10-fold increase in Katrina-strength hurricanes if planet warms by 2-degrees C

“This means that there will be a ‘Katrina’ magnitude storm surge every other year.” Continue reading New Alarm: 10-fold increase in Katrina-strength hurricanes if planet warms by 2-degrees C