UK Enviro: Removing climate change from curriculum denies children the right to participate in the debate about their own future

Okay… as along as they get concurrent lessons in junk science and the history of totalitarianism. Continue reading UK Enviro: Removing climate change from curriculum denies children the right to participate in the debate about their own future

Former UK MP Ann Widdecombe: Even scientists are cooling on climate change

“We were the only MPs to vote against the 2008 Climate Change Bill, which is to say we had by then considered all the evidence and found it wanting.” Continue reading Former UK MP Ann Widdecombe: Even scientists are cooling on climate change

Swedish university forces scientist to retract from publication letter critical of chemical fear mongering, junk science

Academic freedom, anyone? Continue reading Swedish university forces scientist to retract from publication letter critical of chemical fear mongering, junk science

Bill McKibben’s idea of reasonable public discourse: ‘The reason you want another coal terminal is that you are f**king greedy’

No wonder even the Washington Post calls him “bizarre.” Continue reading Bill McKibben’s idea of reasonable public discourse: ‘The reason you want another coal terminal is that you are f**king greedy’

Sun Yet Set: World’s largest solar panel maker, China’s Suntech, declares bankruptcy

“Suntech Power Holdings said eight Chinese banks asked a court to declare it insolvent after the company missed a $541 million payment to bondholders last week. Suntech said it would not oppose the petition.” Continue reading Sun Yet Set: World’s largest solar panel maker, China’s Suntech, declares bankruptcy

Chlorine gas possibly used in Syria — but definitely used on people by the EPA: Another shocking human experiment

While chlorine gas may have been used as a weapon by one side or the other in Syria, it was definitely used on people by the EPA. Continue reading Chlorine gas possibly used in Syria — but definitely used on people by the EPA: Another shocking human experiment

Germany ends tar sands research with Canada; Enviro ‘press releases were getting harsher and harsher’

Possibly the French should have fired harsh press releases at the invader in 1870, 1914 and 1940? Continue reading Germany ends tar sands research with Canada; Enviro ‘press releases were getting harsher and harsher’

Large asteroid heading to Earth? Pray, says NASA; 1 km-sized asteroid could ‘plausibly end civilization’

Please go back to worrying about what the temperature nowhere on Earth will be in 100 years. Continue reading Large asteroid heading to Earth? Pray, says NASA; 1 km-sized asteroid could ‘plausibly end civilization’

NYTimes Food Nanny: Soda a ‘disease vector’; Next to tobacco as largest cause of preventable death; 7-oz limit

Insanity: “If this is about freedom, it’s about the freedom of marketers to sell vectors of disease; we should all be in favor of restricting that freedom.” Continue reading NYTimes Food Nanny: Soda a ‘disease vector’; Next to tobacco as largest cause of preventable death; 7-oz limit

Billionaire Clean Energy Advocate Pledges to Spend Big in Mass. for Ed Markey

This is the Center for American Progress donor who got CAP chief John Podesta to get CAP employee Andrew Light to get Light’s wife WaPo reporter Juliet Eilperin to write a puff piece in the Washington Post flogging his dark horse candidacy for Secretary of Energy. Continue reading Billionaire Clean Energy Advocate Pledges to Spend Big in Mass. for Ed Markey

Manufacturers sue EPA over PM2.5 rule

“The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) is challenging the stronger standards on fine particulate matter, or soot, that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued in December. NAM filed the lawsuit Friday in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.” Continue reading Manufacturers sue EPA over PM2.5 rule