5 thoughts on “Maryland residents to foot the bill for offshore wind development”
Well, the pilings would make nice reef structures for fishing. Sounds like a great idea.
Sounds like a smart idea, putting wind turbines offshore, especially after SuperWhopperBiggenStorm Sandy and the last couple or nor’easter storms. What could go wrong??
Let’s paint shark teeth on the nacelles so they look like WWII bombers. It seems appropriate.
I suspect that, in addition to subsidizing the rent-seeking off-shore wind companies, the residents of Maryland will spend a good deal of money defending the development project in court from various “green” groups.
If the project is a money-maker, it can go ahead on its own, including defending itself in court. If it needs state-funded life support, I say pull the plug.
Maybe if they paint them to look like giant pinwheels and whirlygig lawn ornaments, they won’t be so aesthetically displeasing.
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Well, the pilings would make nice reef structures for fishing. Sounds like a great idea.
Sounds like a smart idea, putting wind turbines offshore, especially after SuperWhopperBiggenStorm Sandy and the last couple or nor’easter storms. What could go wrong??
Let’s paint shark teeth on the nacelles so they look like WWII bombers. It seems appropriate.
I suspect that, in addition to subsidizing the rent-seeking off-shore wind companies, the residents of Maryland will spend a good deal of money defending the development project in court from various “green” groups.
If the project is a money-maker, it can go ahead on its own, including defending itself in court. If it needs state-funded life support, I say pull the plug.
Maybe if they paint them to look like giant pinwheels and whirlygig lawn ornaments, they won’t be so aesthetically displeasing.