Latest Research: EU & Russian Scientists Confirm Medieval Period Warmer Than Modern Global Warming

The UN’s IPCC claims that modern global warming is “unprecedented” continues to be robustly discredited by the newest scientific research – another peer reviewed study confirms that the Medieval Warming (plus the Roman and Minoan) periods had significantly warmer summers (Kamchatka, Siberia) than our current period, which has atmospheric CO2 levels exceeding 350 ppm.

Read more at C3 Headlines.

3 thoughts on “Latest Research: EU & Russian Scientists Confirm Medieval Period Warmer Than Modern Global Warming”

  1. I agree, but my take on this is slightly different. It is plausible that subjective determinations such as “warmer than” or “cooler than” can be made without precise objective temperature data.

  2. If I’m suspicious that we know the current global average, I have to be suspicious that we can use paleoclimatology and proxies to estimate the Medieval Optimum or the Roman Optimum either. Perhaps all we know is that temperatures have shifted several times in recorded history and that generally the warmer periods have been better for humans than colder periods have been.

  3. Don’t harsh the buzz at the IPCC. Mentioning The Medieval Optimum is totally uncool. It never happened man.

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