13 thoughts on “Feinstein: Veterans May Have PTSD And Should Not Be Exempt From Assault Weapons Ban”

  1. I understand, but how many times is the violent assailant the “quiet guy next door”? The one with no record, no signs of mental distress, etc. Most people recognize the rather unstable neighbor who sits out in his backyard cleaning his guns and jumping at every noise. On the other hand, people who exhibit no signs of being any different are just ignored. Who keeps close tabs on the quiet lady next door who grows petunias? In reality, serial killers are often charming. In spite of every effort on the part of psychiatrists, you simply cannot always tell when a person may be unstable, now or in the future.
    If we are going to keep guns from people who may have PTSD, the first people to be disarmed will be the police. Returning veterans of any era. Firefighters who have witnesses tragedy. War correspondents who were “embedded”. People who live in gang areas. It gets totally insane after a while…

  2. Well put. What you say is true but argues for not letting jumpy people have guns to protect themselves. The tiger might be their neighbor looking for a missing cat.

    When Major Hasan shot his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood a woman called the then existent Curtis Sliwa radio show in New York New York to explain that Major Hanson reacted to the horrible stories from his patients. Second hand PDST like second hand smoke.

    My firmly held belief is that PDST was the use of junk science to get money from the Veterans Health Administration at the conclusion of the VietNam war..

  3. Post Traumatic Stress is NOT a disorder. It is a completely normal response to trauma. By drugging people and pretending it’s a disorder, we just prolong the healing and make these people wholly dependent on medication or therapy, in many cases. Thank God there were no psychologists or psychiatrists around when we were in the early years of human existence. Post traumatic stress is what made humans jump and turn when they heard a sound like the tiger that snacked on the village last week. It enabled us to react to danger. Yes, it can be crippling in some cases and those require therapy. Mostly, it’s wanting desperately to avoid pain in life. After trauma, people normally have nightmares, are very jumpy, emotional and so forth. The only way you actually get over trauma is to work it through. Drugging people just makes them not care about the trauma, not to deal with it. We do a huge disservice to people by calling a normal response a “disorder”.

  4. Post-traumatic stress disorder seems to be very real. Allowing that our understanding of it is fuzzy, its symptoms are pretty consistent and they can be identified in individuals who have been through combat, natural disasters, child and spousal abuse, kidnaping, crime victims and other dreadful events.
    Most veterans never see combat, although combat is only one military-linked way of experiencing traumatic stress. Probably nearly all combat veterans have identifiable symptoms of PTSD. Individuals who experience combat have a tremendous range of resourcefulness to deal with it and the combat experience is very different for different soldiers; that makes statistical rigor very difficult to achieve. Combat veterans are a large enough group that a few of them will manifest psychotic symptoms just in the “normal” variation of humans. A very few veterans should not have firearms, the ones with diagnoses of psychosis or severe depression and who are on medications, maybe. You’d use the same standard that you’d apply to any individual.
    Gosh knows that a blanket prohibition on veterans to own weapons would show the senator for what she is but that would never get through a committee, let alone Congress. But then, whenever I say that, I have to remember Prohibiton.

  5. Feinstein thinks PTSD just started with the Iraq war. How stupid is that? Plus, how do we know police and active military don’t have PTSD? The psychological community thinks every single person who was traumatized at any point in their lives is a walking PTSD disaster waiting to happen and should be drugged.
    As for a ban is a ban, government employees and retired law enforcement are exempt from the assault weapons ban. So a ban is not a ban at all.

  6. Well, a ban is a ban. Nobody should be exempt from a ban unless you currently work in a police or military capacity. Why should retired Vets need them?

  7. There were movies and folklore about Vietnam veterens going crazy. And so considerable funds were laid out to help those who said they sometimes had trouble sleeping. In my opinion, PTSD is a giant rip off. How wonderful to see those PTSD folks hoisted by their own petard.

  8. The word “may” is the key. It could mean one in a 100,000,000. ie ALL veterans would be banned.

  9. The prohibition of “assault weapons”, whatever that may be, is Feinstein”s moment in the sun, in an otherwise lackluster career. But she loves to beat this dead horse.

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