Swedish university forces scientist to retract from publication letter critical of chemical fear mongering, junk science

Academic freedom, anyone? Continue reading Swedish university forces scientist to retract from publication letter critical of chemical fear mongering, junk science

Bill McKibben’s idea of reasonable public discourse: ‘The reason you want another coal terminal is that you are f**king greedy’

No wonder even the Washington Post calls him “bizarre.” Continue reading Bill McKibben’s idea of reasonable public discourse: ‘The reason you want another coal terminal is that you are f**king greedy’

Sun Yet Set: World’s largest solar panel maker, China’s Suntech, declares bankruptcy

“Suntech Power Holdings said eight Chinese banks asked a court to declare it insolvent after the company missed a $541 million payment to bondholders last week. Suntech said it would not oppose the petition.” Continue reading Sun Yet Set: World’s largest solar panel maker, China’s Suntech, declares bankruptcy

Chlorine gas possibly used in Syria — but definitely used on people by the EPA: Another shocking human experiment

While chlorine gas may have been used as a weapon by one side or the other in Syria, it was definitely used on people by the EPA. Continue reading Chlorine gas possibly used in Syria — but definitely used on people by the EPA: Another shocking human experiment