Climategate 3.0: Greenpeace drafts self-serving letter-to-the-editor of The Times for Climategater signature

What a nice service Greenpeace provides — for itself. Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Greenpeace drafts self-serving letter-to-the-editor of The Times for Climategater signature

Climategate 3.0: Wigley claims UEA improperly withheld U.S. Government funds; ‘I am the loser’

Department of Energy money was supposed to go to Tom Wigley, but UEA’s Climate Research Unit didn’t pay Wigley. Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Wigley claims UEA improperly withheld U.S. Government funds; ‘I am the loser’

Climategate 3.0: Worries about public learning that WWF funded the list of scientists; ‘It will be perceived to be biased’

So maybe the Union of Concerned Scientists could do the distribution instead? Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Worries about public learning that WWF funded the list of scientists; ‘It will be perceived to be biased’

Climategate 3.0: World Wildlife Fund commissions yet another UEA climate project

The World Wildlife Fund seems to own the University of East Anglia researchers. Continue reading Climategate 3.0: World Wildlife Fund commissions yet another UEA climate project

Climategate 3.0: WWF asks for ‘gaters help against skeptical questions at Alaska media event; ‘Anything to fend off the naysayers’

Note that the World Wildlife Fund also tries to co-sponsor a meeting with the Dutch department of public health (RIVM) on climate change. Continue reading Climategate 3.0: WWF asks for ‘gaters help against skeptical questions at Alaska media event; ‘Anything to fend off the naysayers’

Climategate 3.0: Mike Hulme’s BBC appearance likened to ‘Pope making very authoritive pronouncements’

“I am sure our Minister for the Environment, Simon Upton will like it, as he was getting frustrated at the industry lobbey, and the pro-industry press in NZ.” Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Mike Hulme’s BBC appearance likened to ‘Pope making very authoritive pronouncements’

Climategate 3.0: Tom Wigley goes ballistic over list of scientists supporting Kyoto; Asking people to ‘prostitute themselves’

“I was very disturbed by your recent letter, and your attempt to get others to endorse it.” Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Tom Wigley goes ballistic over list of scientists supporting Kyoto; Asking people to ‘prostitute themselves’

Climategate 3.0: World Wildlife Fund pays Climategaters to develop list of warmist scientists for 1997 Kyoto meeting; ‘Disaster’ if skeptics build larger list

“Disaster is we only get 250 and they ended up getting 400.” Continue reading Climategate 3.0: World Wildlife Fund pays Climategaters to develop list of warmist scientists for 1997 Kyoto meeting; ‘Disaster’ if skeptics build larger list

Climategate 3.0: Phil Jones attacks UK skeptic Piers Corbyn as an ‘utter prat’

But he’s not all bad as he shares Jones’ anti-nuclear views. Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Phil Jones attacks UK skeptic Piers Corbyn as an ‘utter prat’

Climategate 3.0: Briffa worries that manmade environmental change distorts tree-ring analysis

In October 1996, Keith Briffa frets that the calibration for tree-ring analysis may be off due to manmade changes in the environment. Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Briffa worries that manmade environmental change distorts tree-ring analysis