Associated Press shocked to learn that atherosclerosis is natural

Atherosclerosis found in mummies though the ancient Egyptians didn’t have Marlboros, Big Macs or Reality TV. Continue reading Associated Press shocked to learn that atherosclerosis is natural

Claim: ‘Invisible’ air pollution reduces lifespan by six months in the UK

Just because you can’t see the pollution any more doesn’t mean it’s not killing you? Continue reading Claim: ‘Invisible’ air pollution reduces lifespan by six months in the UK

Another Hansen Fail : Global Temperature Not Responding To Changes In CO2

Since earth hit Hansen’s magic number of 350 ppm CO2, global temperature changes have tailed off – and now have a negative slope. Hansen’s theory is broken. Continue reading Another Hansen Fail : Global Temperature Not Responding To Changes In CO2

Nature Climate: Amplified greenhouse effect shaping North into South

“The temperature and vegetation at northern latitudes increasingly resembles those found several degrees of latitude farther south as recently as 30 years ago.” Continue reading Nature Climate: Amplified greenhouse effect shaping North into South

NYTimes Attack on Food Industry: ‘Of Fraud and Filet’

Frank Bruni writes, “Where there’s money, there’s mischief, and food isn’t exempt.” But same could be said of organic lobby and food nanny political power and pressure. Continue reading NYTimes Attack on Food Industry: ‘Of Fraud and Filet’

Latest Research: EU & Russian Scientists Confirm Medieval Period Warmer Than Modern Global Warming

The UN’s IPCC claims that modern global warming is “unprecedented” continues to be robustly discredited by the newest scientific research – another peer reviewed study confirms that the Medieval Warming (plus the Roman and Minoan) periods had significantly warmer summers (Kamchatka, Siberia) than our current period, which has atmospheric CO2 levels exceeding 350 ppm. Continue reading Latest Research: EU & Russian Scientists Confirm Medieval Period Warmer Than Modern Global Warming

Climate Appeasement Debunked: NJ paper hits Christie for criticizing EPA chief Lisa Jackson

Republicans who think they can attract greens by appearing “moderate” on climate are whistling in the dark. Continue reading Climate Appeasement Debunked: NJ paper hits Christie for criticizing EPA chief Lisa Jackson

N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg: ‘Ban’ on large sugary drinks ‘in the country’s interest’

Bloomberg: “This year, for the first time in the history of the world, more will die from too much food than from too little food.” Continue reading N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg: ‘Ban’ on large sugary drinks ‘in the country’s interest’