Enviros accuse FedEx, Home Depot, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and Wells Fargo of funding ‘deniers’

If only they would join the WINNING team! Continue reading Enviros accuse FedEx, Home Depot, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and Wells Fargo of funding ‘deniers’

Warm-o-drama: Ohio State researcher willing to lose grants to ‘escalate’ climate alarm

Jason Box suffers from Greenland Warming Syndrome. Continue reading Warm-o-drama: Ohio State researcher willing to lose grants to ‘escalate’ climate alarm

Climate Action ‘Could Halve Energy Firms’ Worth’

“Oil and gas multinationals could lose up to 60% of their market value if the world cuts its carbon emissions to limit climate change, according to the world’s second-largest bank.” Continue reading Climate Action ‘Could Halve Energy Firms’ Worth’

The Inconvenient Truth About Polar Bears

“So when I got up there, I started realizing polar bears were not in as bad a shape as the conventional wisdom had led me to believe, which was actually very heartening, but didn’t fit well with the book I’d been planning to write.” Continue reading The Inconvenient Truth About Polar Bears

After 30 years, is a GM food breakthrough finally here?

“The reactions of bureaucracies to golden rice were also described by Beyer as “hard to believe”. “We have had to undergo endless trials and tests and endure endless amounts of bureaucracy.” Continue reading After 30 years, is a GM food breakthrough finally here?