Statistics help clear fog for better climate change picture?

Not really. It would take reliable data for the most important variables in an appropriate model — this is not likely to be developed anytime soon. Continue reading Statistics help clear fog for better climate change picture?

Why Ted Cruz should embrace the ‘McCarthyism’ smear

Democrat Sens. Barbara Boxer and Claire McCaskill are trying to shut-down freshman firebrand Sen. Ted Cruz by likening him to the Left’s bete-noire, Communist hunter Sen. Joe McCarthy. Here’s why Ted Cruz should consider the source and embrace the smear. Continue reading Why Ted Cruz should embrace the ‘McCarthyism’ smear

Bernie Sanders: The best solution on climate change requires Congress to act

The admitted socialist senator from Vermont advocates his new climate bill in a left-wing U.K. newspaper. Continue reading Bernie Sanders: The best solution on climate change requires Congress to act

Will Obama Trade A Carbon Tax For Keystone XL?

“The president may try to satisfy both environmentalists and pro-growth blocs by tying the shovel-ready project curiously left out of the State of the Union to just-introduced carbon-tax legislation.” Continue reading Will Obama Trade A Carbon Tax For Keystone XL?

Nuke power saves New England from spiking nat gas prices

“Electricity prices in New England have been four to eight times higher than normal in the last few weeks, as the region’s extreme reliance on natural gas for power supplies has collided with a surge in demand for heating.” Continue reading Nuke power saves New England from spiking nat gas prices

IBD: Global Warming Consensus Looking More Like A Myth

“The global warming alarmists repeat the line endlessly. They claim that there is a consensus among scientists that man is causing climate change. Fact is, they’re not even close.” Continue reading IBD: Global Warming Consensus Looking More Like A Myth