The Hill: Dems afraid to hold votes on climate bills

“Congressional Democrats will not commit to forcing votes on major climate change bills, even as they try to build political momentum behind President Obama’s promise to make global warming a second-term priority.” Continue reading The Hill: Dems afraid to hold votes on climate bills

Green party reaches 40th birthday

“Where are political parties born? Labour might say workplaces, the Conservatives their clubs and stately homes, but the Green party – which is 40 years old next week – can be precise: the Bridge Inn at Napton, in Warwickshire, where an unlikely group of lawyers and estate agents used to meet for a drink after work in the early 1970s.” Continue reading Green party reaches 40th birthday

Wind turbines impact on balance and distribution of species

“A stroll through a wind farm may be a breezy experience. Now it turns out that extra drafts, created by swishing turbine blades, can change the weather.” Continue reading Wind turbines impact on balance and distribution of species

EPA’s Secret And Costly ‘Sue And Settle’ Collusion With Environmental Organizations

“In other words, the agency throws the case, somewhat like Peter Rabbit agreeing to be thrown into a favorite brier-patch.” Continue reading EPA’s Secret And Costly ‘Sue And Settle’ Collusion With Environmental Organizations

Overhyped: The Human Cost of Climate Alarmism

“When I see an unsupported figure like an annual death toll of 300,000 from “climate change”, my urban legend detector starts like ringing like mad. Where have they been hiding the bodies?” Continue reading Overhyped: The Human Cost of Climate Alarmism

Exxon Cease-And-Desist Order Gets Climate Change Ad Pulled From State Of The Union Coverage

Exxon-Mobil rightly forced Comcast to kill the “Exxon Hates Your Children” ad. Continue reading Exxon Cease-And-Desist Order Gets Climate Change Ad Pulled From State Of The Union Coverage

Climate models are failing

“According to our calculations, in the coming years, it should get warmer by leaps. But we do not trust that prognosis. Because the simulations should also have been able to predict the current standstill of the temperature increase – which did not happen.” Continue reading Climate models are failing