Fracking is the only way to achieve Obama climate change goals, says senior scientist

“That is the advice of one of the nation’s senior scientists, Professor William Press, a member of the president’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.” Continue reading Fracking is the only way to achieve Obama climate change goals, says senior scientist

Feds building levee in DC to protect EPA, IRS, FBI, DoJ buildings from global warming

We safeguarding the bureaucracy from imaginary threats while the economy crumbles in real time. Continue reading Feds building levee in DC to protect EPA, IRS, FBI, DoJ buildings from global warming

Advising pregnant women to drink no alcohol is counterproductive

“There is no evidence that low levels of drinking during pregnancy are harmful, and to say so risks stigmatising responsible drinkers.” Continue reading Advising pregnant women to drink no alcohol is counterproductive

UN: Man-made chemicals cited in health scourges

“Man-made chemicals in everyday products are likely to be at least the partial cause of a global surge in birth deformities, hormonal cancers and psychiatric diseases, a U.N.-sponsored research team reported on Tuesday.” Continue reading UN: Man-made chemicals cited in health scourges

Sugar drinks levy: More interference won’t end obesity

“The medical profession would be better served by figuring out effective ways of treating the relatively small minority who are really seriously overweight. Leave the rest of us to enjoy our little indulgences in peace.” Continue reading Sugar drinks levy: More interference won’t end obesity