Maternal exposure to outdoor air pollution associated with low birth weights worldwide

I defy anyone to measure a 9-gram difference in birthweight and medically attribute it to a 10-microgram/m3 difference in outdoor particulate matter.

“Mothers who are exposed to particulate air pollution of the type emitted by vehicles, urban heating and coal power plants are significantly more likely to bear children of low birth weight, according to an international study led by co-principal investigator Tracey J. Woodruff, PhD, MPH, professor of obstetrics and gynecology and reproductive sciences at UC San Francisco along with Jennifer Parker, PhD, of the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” [Media release]

2 thoughts on “Maternal exposure to outdoor air pollution associated with low birth weights worldwide”

  1. Do these poor countries even have equipment that WEIGHS ACCURATELY to the GRAM?

    Hell, I can get a 9 gram fluctuation on the scale by wiggling…..

  2. It would be interesting to know how the filtered out the economic factors, eg, poorer countries are not only more polluted, but they also have less prenatal care, so how do you tell what is pollution and what is a simple difference in health care?

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