GAO: Climate change poses big financial risks to US government

“The federal government is facing significant financial risks related to climate change, including damage to property it owns, losses through its flood insurance and crop support programs and its duty to provide emergency aid in disasters, the Government Accountability Office warns in a new report.” Continue reading GAO: Climate change poses big financial risks to US government

RFKJr Bloviates: Keystone XL a ‘criminal enterprise’; Attorney has a ‘duty to break the law’

Someone is also “stealing the air” from his son’s lungs. Deniers are “biostitutes.” Continue reading RFKJr Bloviates: Keystone XL a ‘criminal enterprise’; Attorney has a ‘duty to break the law’

Polar Bear-Gate Update: PEER claims ‘Drowned polar bear appear vindicated — again’

” The U.S. Department of Interior has found no scientific error in a high profile research paper by its scientists on sightings of polar bears drowned in open water following a storm, according to documents released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). This is another black eye for the agency’s Office of Inspector General (IG), which has waged a controversial but fruitless campaign against the paper’s authors for nearly three years.” Continue reading Polar Bear-Gate Update: PEER claims ‘Drowned polar bear appear vindicated — again’

Guardian slams UK energy minister, Greenpeace for invoking WWII and Cold War rhetoric

“Climate change is ‘our moonshot’ but we need to do better than divisive Cold War rhetoric.” Continue reading Guardian slams UK energy minister, Greenpeace for invoking WWII and Cold War rhetoric