Hansen fundraises to keep Haitians in the dark

Instead of advocating/fundraising for the electrification and development of Haiti, Jim Hansen sees poverty- and earthquake-stricken Haiti as a way to advance his twisted global warming agenda. Continue reading Hansen fundraises to keep Haitians in the dark

First Circuit Trashes Wind: No evidence of 'technical feasibility' or 'commercial viability'

The First Circuit Court of Appeals upholds an NRC decision in favor of NextEra Energy’s Seabrook nuke plant and trashes wind at the same time. Continue reading First Circuit Trashes Wind: No evidence of 'technical feasibility' or 'commercial viability'

Court denies power industry request to advance US EPA mercury case

A deadline was requested so construction could be planned. The court refused saying the EPA might take the plant’s plight into consideration. Continue reading Court denies power industry request to advance US EPA mercury case

Costly breast cancer screenings don't add up to better outcomes

Breast cancer-screening mania was originally pushed by the medical-industrial complex. Now the forces behind ObamaCare want it reined in. Continue reading Costly breast cancer screenings don't add up to better outcomes

Fake press release knocks $314 million off Aussie coal stock

“Mr Moylan admitted the hoax, and claimed it was justified by the environmental destruction he said would be wrought by the mine, near Narrabri in NSW.” Continue reading Fake press release knocks $314 million off Aussie coal stock