Was it something you said, Michael? Continue reading Mann blocks JunkScience on Twitter
Month: January 2013
Shock? Mann backs climate bill
The NYTimes is treating this non-surprise as a “man bites dog” story. Continue reading Shock? Mann backs climate bill
China: Is wind power running out of puff?
“China’s new-energy sector is facing an uncertain future after the US imposed swingeing import tariffs and demand for equipment dwindles, as Jiang Xueqing and Hu Yongqi report from Beijing.” Continue reading China: Is wind power running out of puff?
How Britain went tilting at windmills
“Not only are wind farms an unreliable source of power, but it has been revealed that generous licence deals will pay out even if they fail to deliver.” Continue reading How Britain went tilting at windmills
Air pollution reduces visibility in Beijing
Where are the bodies? Continue reading Air pollution reduces visibility in Beijing
Black Carbon Twice as Dangerous as Previously Thought, Scientists Say
If black carbon is causing even more warming, what then does that say about greenhouse gas warming? Continue reading Black Carbon Twice as Dangerous as Previously Thought, Scientists Say
Deaf twins euthanized in Belgian hospital
While the twins may do as they please, the physicians ought to be tried for murder. Continue reading Deaf twins euthanized in Belgian hospital
Update on ‘Richard Windsor’ – EPA Email Release ‘Gravely Compounded Unlawful Activity We Have Exposed’
“CEI’s Chris Horner Says Agency Has ‘Gone Bunker’ Over Growing Richard Windsor Scandal.” Continue reading Update on ‘Richard Windsor’ – EPA Email Release ‘Gravely Compounded Unlawful Activity We Have Exposed’
New pay-per-mile scheme would boost gas taxes 250 percent
This is not necessarily unreasonable until you consider the nature and habits of our spendthrift, power-grabbing, anti-personal liberty government. Continue reading New pay-per-mile scheme would boost gas taxes 250 percent
Ted Danson: ‘There is no price tag on the Arctic’
“The American public should not be asked to bear the risks to bolster Shell’s bottom line.” What is he talking about?
Poison pill: Not all mercury is toxic
This commentary is correct about thimerosal but wrong about mercury in the environment. Continue reading Poison pill: Not all mercury is toxic
Still no bodies from Chinese air pollution spike
One U.S. ex-pat general practitioner claims he’s seeing more patients with respiratory problems, but no reports of deaths so far. Continue reading Still no bodies from Chinese air pollution spike