Government Officials Can Still Own Assault Weapons Under Feinstein Bill

“Not everyone is exempted from owning military-style assault weapons under new legislation proposed by U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein.” Continue reading Government Officials Can Still Own Assault Weapons Under Feinstein Bill

Heat from North American cities causing warmer winters, study finds

“Researchers say extra heat generated by huge cities explains additional warming not explained by existing climate models.” Continue reading Heat from North American cities causing warmer winters, study finds

Shale gas boom now visible from space

The flaring is a result, in large part, of the low price of natural gas in North America, which can make it uneconomic to build pipelines and tanks to handle the gas released by oil production. Flaring is often the safest way to dispose of it.” Continue reading Shale gas boom now visible from space

Shock study: Chemotherapy can backfire, make cancer worse by triggering tumor growth

Well, no a really a “shock.” Scientists have known for decades that chemotherapy drugs are carcinogens themselves. Continue reading Shock study: Chemotherapy can backfire, make cancer worse by triggering tumor growth

Stephen King: NRA Should ‘Clean Up Blood, Brains and Chunks of Intestine’ After Next Massacre

From his new essay entitled, “Guns.” Continue reading Stephen King: NRA Should ‘Clean Up Blood, Brains and Chunks of Intestine’ After Next Massacre

New Yorker: What Nate Silver Gets Wrong

“Can Nate Silver do no wrong? Between elections and baseball statistics, Silver has become America’s secular god of predictions. And now he has a best-seller, ‘The Signal and the Noise,’ in which he discusses the challenges and science of prediction in a wide range of domains, covering politics, sports, earthquakes, epidemics, economics, and climate change.” Continue reading New Yorker: What Nate Silver Gets Wrong