AP Whitewashes EPA’s Defiance of Federal Court Ruling on Ethanol Mandate

“That last sentence is a prime example of a shameful and maddenning media habit: Make something which is an obvious truth look merely like someone’s opinion.” Continue reading AP Whitewashes EPA’s Defiance of Federal Court Ruling on Ethanol Mandate

National Journal: Why John Kerry Should Treat Climate Change as a National Security Issue

The Himalayan glacier scare was exposed as imaginary in the aftermath of Climategate 1.0 — but it lives on at the Natioanl Journal. Continue reading National Journal: Why John Kerry Should Treat Climate Change as a National Security Issue

Rolling Stone: Black Carbon — The Secret Climate Threat

“We’ve long known that those particles contribute to global warming in several ways, as well as leading to millions of premature deaths worldwide.” Continue reading Rolling Stone: Black Carbon — The Secret Climate Threat

Senate bill would greenlight natural gas exports to US allies

“A group of Senate Republicans and two centrist Democrats shook up political debates over U.S. natural gas exports Thursday with new legislation that would ensure federal approval of exports to NATO countries and Japan.” Continue reading Senate bill would greenlight natural gas exports to US allies

Study: Ozone depletion trumps greenhouse gas increase in jet-stream shift

“But this paper is also important because it uses a new approach to try to better understand climate change; it uses observational data on a short time scale to try to look at cause and effect, which is something that is rarely done in climate research.” Roger that! Continue reading Study: Ozone depletion trumps greenhouse gas increase in jet-stream shift

EU: Newly found health effects of air pollution call for stronger European air policies

The EU says that PM2.5 kills on a 24-hours basis. Where are the bodies? Not in China! Continue reading EU: Newly found health effects of air pollution call for stronger European air policies