Hayhoe: ‘You can’t make a thermometer tell you it’s hotter than it is’

But one thermometer every 720 miles (a la Jim Hansen) is hardly adequate for describing temperatures in that region. Continue reading Hayhoe: ‘You can’t make a thermometer tell you it’s hotter than it is’

More Severe Flu Seasons Predicted Due to Climate Change

“It appears that fewer people contract influenza during warm winters, and this causes a major portion of the population to remain vulnerable into the next season, causing an early and strong emergence.” Continue reading More Severe Flu Seasons Predicted Due to Climate Change

World Bank spending on forests fails to curb poverty, auditors claim

World Bank architect, Harry Dexter White, was a Soviet agent. What’s the surprise that it, too, is a corrupt failure. Continue reading World Bank spending on forests fails to curb poverty, auditors claim

Greenfellas: The Italian Mafia Muscles In On Green Energy Racket

“For an industry all puffed up about its supposed environmental virtue, green energy sure is attracting a dirty crowd.” Continue reading Greenfellas: The Italian Mafia Muscles In On Green Energy Racket

North Carolina Medical Board refuses to discipline EPA human testing docs

Apparently committing illegal human experiments, lying to study subjects about the risks, and committing assault and battery against study subjects do not violate the North Carolina Medical Practice Act. Continue reading North Carolina Medical Board refuses to discipline EPA human testing docs