Major German Daily Carries Front-Page Headline: “Global Warming Keeps Us Waiting!… CO2 Over-Estimated?”

“For awhile it appeared the German mainstream media were going to ignore the reality that the globe hasn’t warmed since the issue has been around (15 years).” Continue reading Major German Daily Carries Front-Page Headline: “Global Warming Keeps Us Waiting!… CO2 Over-Estimated?”

London Mayor: “To call it ‘warming’ is obviously to strain the language”

“Something is up with our winter weather. Could it be the Sun is having a slow patch?” Continue reading London Mayor: “To call it ‘warming’ is obviously to strain the language”

WashPost: Obama should forget about ‘green jobs’, ‘energy independence’ as justifications for action on climate

At least the WashPost knows that “green jobs” are a hoax. Continue reading WashPost: Obama should forget about ‘green jobs’, ‘energy independence’ as justifications for action on climate

More Mars Crock: ‘Strongest evidence yet to there being life on Mars’

“Martian rocks from a crater hit by a meteorite may contain the strongest evidence yet that there is life on Mars.” Continue reading More Mars Crock: ‘Strongest evidence yet to there being life on Mars’