So why’d he unload? This isn’t the time for that. Continue reading Ted Nugent Unloads: Gun owners the next Rosa Parks
Day: January 9, 2013
Delingpole: The crazy climate change obsession that's made the Met Office a menace
“But of all its recent embarrassments, none come close to matching the Met Office’s latest one.” Continue reading Delingpole: The crazy climate change obsession that's made the Met Office a menace
RFK Jr: Exxon CEO 'one of the most evil people on the planet'
But find out what RFK Jr.’s now-deceased wife said about him. Continue reading RFK Jr: Exxon CEO 'one of the most evil people on the planet'
What the greens really think of Chris Christie
What does Christie get from the greens for believing in global warming and helping Obama get elected? Continue reading What the greens really think of Chris Christie
Bonehead of the 2013 (so far): Dick Armey
He meant to complain about FreedomWorks management to the Media Research Center; instead he called Media Matters. Continue reading Bonehead of the 2013 (so far): Dick Armey
Greens and other leftists band together, pledge millions to fight conservatives
“It was the kind of meeting that conspiratorial conservative bloggers dream about.” Continue reading Greens and other leftists band together, pledge millions to fight conservatives
DNA Co-Discoverer: Antioxidants cause cancer?
We never believed the antioxidant hypothesis… Continue reading DNA Co-Discoverer: Antioxidants cause cancer?
National Journal: 'Vitter Purges Environment Committee Staff'
D.C. media tries to poison the Republican well. Continue reading National Journal: 'Vitter Purges Environment Committee Staff'
National Journal: 'Guns, Debt, and Climate Change Give Obama Shot at Immortality'
Jackson: Proudest of EPA greenhouse rules
Climate change is “a simple scientific statement” — clearly that meant something to the USA Today reports. Continue reading Jackson: Proudest of EPA greenhouse rules
Sen. Sanders, after US hits heat record, floats new climate bill
The Vermont socialist proposes a carbon tax. Maybe he figures Boehner can’t say no to anything. Continue reading Sen. Sanders, after US hits heat record, floats new climate bill
Obama wants to test anthrax vaccine on children
A call to action from the Alliance for Human Research Protection: Continue reading Obama wants to test anthrax vaccine on children