Frontline Responds to Complaints on Oct 23 “Climate of Doubt”: Here, the Rebuttal to Frontline that PBS Ombudsman Won’t Put Online (*update)

(*11/19/12 update: a slight variant of this piece below was placed online at WUWT on 11/17. It would have appeared before this one, but as Watts notes at the top of my guest post, we had a glitch happening with spam filters. Also, please note the edits below at complaint points 2 & 3, courtesy of a WUWT reader)

On October 25th, JunkScience readers saw a partial version of Tom Harris’ guest post at Anthony Watts site, a complaint about a specific error seen in the 10/23 PBS Frontline program “Climate of Doubt”. Several other posts at Watts’ site raise serious concerns about the program’s arguably unfair treatment of anthropogenic (man-caused) global warming critics.

I jotted down my own while watching the 10/23 broadcast, and distilled thirteen of those the following day into an email complaint to the PBS Ombudsman. My letter appeared at the PBS Ombudsman site November 5th, seen about halfway down the page here, accompanied by Frontline’s point-by-point rebuttal. What follows is my rebuttal to Frontline, which, I’ve been assured, will not appear at the Ombudsman site. Continue reading Frontline Responds to Complaints on Oct 23 “Climate of Doubt”: Here, the Rebuttal to Frontline that PBS Ombudsman Won’t Put Online (*update)

Vitter to replace Inhofe on key Senate committee

Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) will replace skeptic champion Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) as ranking minority member on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Vitter is also a reliable skeptic, but he is admittedly not as well-versed on climate as Inhofe. [Dredging Today]

Carbon Tax is Pointless and Inflationary

By Steve Milloy
November 14, 2012, Investor’s Business Daily

Climate alarmists hope that Hurricane Sandy and President Obama’s re-election will coerce panicky congressional Republicans into a “carbon tax” deal in 2013. But simple math shows the tax would have no effect other than an inflationary one. Continue reading Carbon Tax is Pointless and Inflationary

Greens close four Bank of America branches in anti-coal protest

“In a sophisticated, peaceful action to pressure the bank to stop funding coal, nine people are risking arrest today at sit-ins at four different Bank of America locations across Charlotte. The activists are a part of Rainforest Action Network’s campaign to confront the bank’s leading role in coal financing, which impacts the quality of air in North Carolina and contributes to global climate change pollution.” [ENews Park Forest]

Think tank to sue Treasury to make carbon tax proposal emails public

“A conservative Washington think tank will file suit Tuesday seeking to force Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to make public more than 7,300 internal emails circulated in recent months among senior executives in his department about a carbon tax proposal officials say taxpayers don’t need to know about.” [Washington Examiner]

Denmark abandons sugar and fat taxes

“A world-leading ‘fat tax’ has been abolished in Denmark, with the country admitting the controversial attempt at engineering a healthier populace has failed. A planned tax on some high-sugar foods has also been abandoned, marking a setback for advocates of this method of encouraging health.

According to the Danish Ministry of Taxation the country’s tax on unhealthy, high-fat products had driven up prices and put jobs at risk…” [Nature]