RFK Jr: 'Sense of entitlement' builds 'eco-friendly' mansion

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his late wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, didn’t pay a penny for the high-end kitchen appliances, dual-flush toilets, solid brass and zinc faucets, hardwood flooring and hypoallergenic rugs when they created their eco-friendly Westchester mansion. Even the bamboo hangers and the cleaning products were free — a $1.3 million bonanza of swag.

Now five months after Mary Richardson Kennedy’s suicide at the sprawling estate in Bedford, her husband is set to make a windfall.” [New York Post]

Case closed: Obama green jobs program a failure

“President Obama’s green jobs training program, which was part of his stimulus, has failed on most key jobs measures, according to a new internal audit that found it was training workers who already had jobs that didn’t need green energy skills, and was failing to place new enrollees in jobs once they finished the training. Continue reading Case closed: Obama green jobs program a failure

Danger, Mitt Romney, Danger: GE General Counsel in Running for EPA Administrator

The general counsel of green energy rent-seeking, cap-and-trade-loving, and USCAP-founding member General Electric is reportedly a leading candidate to head the EPA in a Romney administration. Continue reading Danger, Mitt Romney, Danger: GE General Counsel in Running for EPA Administrator