Gene Maps Are No Cure-All

Mapping the human genome was a hyped exercise in computing power that has produced no discernible health benefits. Not surprisingly, one of its chief proponents (Craig Venter) has now moved into the clean energy scam (developing algae-based fuels). At least this time, Venter is only wasting Exxon’s time and money. Continue reading Gene Maps Are No Cure-All

Sackett v. EPA: The real rest of the story

“Last Thursday, E&E reporter Lawrence Hurley published this story on PLF’s landmark victory in Sackett v. EPA. The story is titled “Justice was blind to some facts in Idaho wetlands case,” and the impression one gets from reading it is that Mike and Chantell Sackett should not be viewed as sympathetically as common sense would suggest…” Continue reading Sackett v. EPA: The real rest of the story