Sen. Manchin: EPA fully engaged in a war on coal

Pretty mild comments from someone whose state depends on coal. West Virginians should chip in for a course of testosterone injections for Sen. Joe Manchin.

The Herald-Dispatch reports:

Officials representing West Viginia reacted negatively on Tuesday to new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rules that will put limits on new coal-fired power plants.

U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said the announcement showed “this EPA is fully engaging in a war on coal, even though this country will continue to rely on coal as an affordable, stable and abundant energy source for decades to come.”

He said the approach relies on cheap natural gas, noting that as prices go up, the cost of energy will go up.

“This is what happens when this country doesn’t have a true all-of-the-above energy approach. Instead of trying to completely eliminate coal in the long-term, the EPA should be trying to work with industry,” Manchin said…

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One thought on “Sen. Manchin: EPA fully engaged in a war on coal”

  1. No Senator Manchin, Obama and the EPA have been waging war against coal since he made a campaign speech in San Francisco in 2008. He promised to make the costs of coal fueled generating plants so high that they could not operate. You and your democrat colleagues in the senate from Appalachian coal states need to form a bi-partisan coalition and end Obama’s energy follies.

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