IPCC: Mann's claim of receiving Nobel Prize is wrong

But will the IPCC do anything about it?

Here’s an exchange between the IPCC and CCNY professor Themis Lazardidis as reported in the Greek University Reform Forum.

Lazardidis writes (screenshot) to Francesca Foppiano of the IPCC Secretariat:

Dear Ms. Foppiano,

Thank you for your response. I was referring to news reports in greek media, e.g.


“Christos Zerefos, president of the National Observatory in Athens, and his colleague, Professor Alcibiades Bais of Thessaloniki University, are the first two Greeks to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, even if they share it with dozens of other scientists. Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which was jointly awarded the 2007 Nobel with Al Gore, decided that the IPPC’s prize should be shared with 45 distinguished scientists who had contributed more than anyone else to the work of the panel.”

Are you saying that the above is false?

Thank you,

Themis Lazaridis

Foppiano responds:

Dear Mr Lazaridis,

Again, let me clarify that the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr. and to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – the organization. Consequently, the following information is not correct: “Christos Zerefos, president of the National Observatory in Athens, and his colleague, Professor Alcibiades Bais of Thessaloniki University, are the first two Greeks to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, even if they share it with dozens of other scientists.”

The sentence should read “Christos Zerefos, president of the National Observatory in Athens, and his colleague, Professor Alcibiades Bais of Thessaloniki University, have received a certificate commemorating their involvement with the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize along with former Vice President Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr.

About 2000 personalized copies of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize together with a letter of Dr R.K. Pachauri have been sent worldwide to Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead Authors, Review Editors, Bureau members, staff of Technical Support Units and of the Secretariat, who have contributed substantially to the work of the IPCC of the last 20 years.

However, the above mentioned figure does not reflect all contributors to the IPCC process. We can estimate that approximately 10’000 scientist and officials have contributed to the work of the IPCC over the last two decades. The only figures we can share with you are related to the publication of the 4th Assessment Report:

2500+ Scientific Expert Reviewers
800+ Contributing Authors and 450+ Lead Authors
130+ Countries
6 years work
1 Report

Best regards,

Francesca Foppiano
IPCC Secretariat
www.ipcc.ch [Emphasis added]

But the inside jacket of Michael Mann’s new book “The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars” (aka “Mann Kampf) reads:

[Mann] jointly received the Nobel Peace Prize along with other scientists who participated in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change…

So Mann’s claim is false/wrong. He should only claim to have received a certificate of involvement (see below) in the IPCC.

Will this message reach groups like the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing?

BTW, JunkScience.com also broke the news about climate alarmist Ross Gelbspan’s false claim of being a Pulitzer Prize winner in 1997.

14 thoughts on “IPCC: Mann's claim of receiving Nobel Prize is wrong”

  1. Al Gore is a fat poopy head who eats poop and poops on his compooper while pooping on the house that burns more electricity pooping that a medium sized poop city.

  2. “Peace” is a political concept, so awarding the Nobel Peace Prize is a political act. I have met a couple *real* Nobel Laureates (Weinberg, Prigogene), and they don’t feel any need to boast.

  3. A terrorist received the Nobel Peace Prize, that pretty much says it all.
    A terrorist! A terrorist!
    I don’t think it’s worth anything any more. Maybe that’s why Michael Mann thinks he won it.
    Gotta love the delusional.
    Surely there must be a doctorate for a PhD student in this somewhere?

  4. The entire IPCC organization is a sham. They started with a premise and then did their darndest to prove it, even if it meant using non-scientists and calling them scientists. Also, a lot of the research was dissected and cherry-picked apart, removing anything which did not fit their premise. They even used unsubstantiated claims made by Liberal enviromental groups and called it peer-reviewed scientific evidence of AGW. The scam is making millions and millions of dollars for conmen like Albert Gore. His ‘Inconvenient Truth’ movie was actually a Convenient Lie. Al
    Gore said, in his movie, “Did they ever fit together?” Most ridiculous thing I ever heard. But they did of course. The relationship is very complicated. “I’ll say it was complicated for him. That’s why he didn’t actually overlap his two graphs. Because if he had, upon closer inspection, it would actually have shown that the Earth’s temperature would rise
    FIRST and then, around 800 YEARS LATER, the CO2 level would rise. Then, whenever the temperature dropped, about 800 YEARS LATER the CO2 level would drop. This shows that CO2 DOES NOT drive temperature. In fact, it would appear that temperature drives CO2.

  5. But the inside jacket of Michael Mann’s new book “The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars” (aka “Mann Kampf) reads:

    [Mann] jointly received the Nobel Peace Prize along with other scientists who participated in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change…

    Oh, but … accuracy and clarity have never (well, hardly ever!) been the forté of Mann and his cohorts; they have no need to adhere to such principles because they have given themselves climatic licence😉

    I also offer for your consideration my suggested title for his latest opus: Portrait of the Artist as an Aggrieved Mann: A novel

  6. The stature of the Nobel Peace Prize has been diminished so much over the last 2-3 decades, that it really doesn’t mean much any longer. Yasser Arafat contributed greatly to that process, as did Al Gore and Barack Obama, who was voted this honor before he barely got into his new job.

    I’d be more impressed to see a Kiwanis or Rotary plaque on Mann’s wall. At least those two organizations genuinely contribute to mankind, unlike the IPCC.

  7. Talk about brazen! I’ve heard of politicians claiming to have served in Vietnam or some such other thing that would at least take some investigation to determine the truth. But, blatantly claim that you’ve received a Nobel prize so recently that it is obvious that it is a lie, that is just incredible. The only conclusion that one can make is that the guy is a pathological liar. If he can’t get this fact right, why would anyone believe anything else he says?

  8. This is very common. Professors in the USA claim to have shared in the prize, to make themselves look important. There was such a claim in our paper this week. A letter to the editor may help point this out, but it seems unlikely the academics are going to stop padding their resumes.

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