Romney: Forget alternative energy, we need an ‘alternative President’

Mitt Romney: “People in this county are hurting and all this president can do is talk about a flat earth?” Continue reading Romney: Forget alternative energy, we need an ‘alternative President’

Rep. Don Young: Obama’s EPA as an Employment Prevention Agency

“We all want our air and oceans to be clean. But the deluge of EPA-required studies and reports does nothing to get Americans back to work or secure our energy future. If Obama is serious about change, it should start at the EPA.” Continue reading Rep. Don Young: Obama’s EPA as an Employment Prevention Agency

Strassel: Conservatives vs. a Senate Majority

Today’s Kim Strassel column in the Wall Street Journal is more appropriately titled “Libertarians vs. a Senate Majority.” It is a must-read for anyone interested in rescuing our nation from Barack and Harry Reid. Continue reading Strassel: Conservatives vs. a Senate Majority