Schwarzenegger invokes Gandhi for green movement

“Spreading awareness about clean and green energy is my mission and I won’t stop till green revolution is spread everywhere.”

IANS reports,

Former Hollywood action star Arnold Schwarzenegger Thursday invoked Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violence movement as a perfect example to start a global green energy campaign to fight climate change.
Speaking at the 12th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit here, the former governor of California said that he is on a mission to spread awareness about clean and green energy.

“Most powerful movements in history, like that of (fighting) apartheid, American civil war and fight of Indian independence started at grass root level by a single person, like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther. They did not wait for higher authorities to give them go ahead to do something like this,” said Schwarzenegger.

The actor, who has worked in Hollywood hits like “Terminator” and “Predators”, appealed to people to work for a green movement on their own rather than wait for their governments or international community to take action.

Talking about California, he said: “The measures taken in California have brought the state in the forefront of green movement in the US. Green economy is booming with 10 times more jobs in green sector and 40 percent more energy efficiency.”

He praised India for taking measures to ensure a mix of renewable and non-renewable energy in the power sector. “You (India) believe in action too and renewable accounts for 11 percent of total energy mix in the country.”

“Spreading awareness about clean and green energy is my mission and I won’t stop till green revolution is spread everywhere,” he said.

It’s easy for Arnold to be green now that he doesn’t have to commute daily from his home in Los Angeles to his Governor’s job in Sacramento by private jet.

2 thoughts on “Schwarzenegger invokes Gandhi for green movement”

  1. Who says anabolic steroids don’t kill brain cells. Arnold is poster boy for steroid brain damage.

  2. California Measures taken, will drive Californica into bankruptcy, an ex-gov and ex-actor pontificating, not withstanding. Arnold’s Brain has been “Green-washed”, I fear, as there’s NOTHING pitiful man can do to stop the on-rush of Global COOLING (according to the Russians who may just be trying to gin-up natural gas sales, although I don’t really think so, with this Physicist.)! I NOW think Arnold should go back to movies, even if they’re “B” grade. How about a “Conan-30yrs later”, interspersing clips from his earlier Conan’s if beefcake is a requirement. I maintain, he knows very little about science or he wouldn’t be drooling over Indians throwing-away their I-pads & junking their cute little golf-cart-sized, gas-diesil autos, that can be air-conditioned, and fitted to play all manner of Bollywood productions.

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