In 1989 the Miami Herald quoted a U.N. environment official who warned of a “10-year window of opportunity to solve” global warming, because “entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.” We know how that turned out. Continue reading OCRegister: Climate data chills global-warming alarmism
Month: February 2012
Whitfield hits EPA mercury rule for no mercury benefits
The EPA’s Mercury Air Toxics Standard is misnamed. Continue reading Whitfield hits EPA mercury rule for no mercury benefits
IER: Impact of EPA’s Regulatory Assault on Power Plants
New regulations to take 33 GW of electricity generation offline and the plant closing announcements keep coming. Continue reading IER: Impact of EPA’s Regulatory Assault on Power Plants
Vahrenholt: ‘I Feel Duped on Climate Change’
A prominent German green speaks out in a new book. Continue reading Vahrenholt: ‘I Feel Duped on Climate Change’
Barton hits EPA on science, economics at hearing
Texas Congressman Joe Barton today attacked the EPA’s Mercury Air Toxics Standard as not being based on sound science and economics. Continue reading Barton hits EPA on science, economics at hearing
ABC News: Are we ‘doping’ our atmosphere?
No. Just your viewers. Continue reading ABC News: Are we ‘doping’ our atmosphere?
Suggested reading for Michael Mann, Phil Jones et al.
The application of a recent Science commentary to the hokey stick perps. Continue reading Suggested reading for Michael Mann, Phil Jones et al.
Watch the House hearing on the Obama EPA’s war against coal
Report: Global warming ‘could kill off snails’
More rejection of natural selection. Continue reading Report: Global warming ‘could kill off snails’
EPA to promote Universal Pictures ‘The Lorax’
More Obama crony capitalism. Continue reading EPA to promote Universal Pictures ‘The Lorax’
DDT-ification of mercury: ‘An environmental chain reaction’
Mercury is demonized to defend EPA’s expensive anti-coal power plant rules. Continue reading DDT-ification of mercury: ‘An environmental chain reaction’
Smoky air can harm dogs and cats, too, says vets and pollution experts
“I think wood smoke can be a big issue for pets, much like secondhand smoke.” Continue reading Smoky air can harm dogs and cats, too, says vets and pollution experts