It looks like the “sordid” is now (back) on the other underbelly. Continue reading Michael Mann: ‘Deniergate’ reveals ‘sordid underbelly of climate change denial’
Month: February 2012
Flashback: Gleick accused Heartland in 2009 of not being an ‘honest broker’
Falling natural gas prices may slow fracking issue in New York
“Has New York missed the gas-drilling boom?” Continue reading Falling natural gas prices may slow fracking issue in New York
DDT didn’t do-in whooping cranes either
Unless hunters were blasting whooping cranes with DDT shotgun shells… Continue reading DDT didn’t do-in whooping cranes either
McQuaid: Skeptics ‘swiftboat’ science
“Last week’s revelations about the funding of the Heartland Institute show how a little money goes a long way in sowing misinformation about climate.” Continue reading McQuaid: Skeptics ‘swiftboat’ science
Claim: ‘Roy Spencer’s Fatal Error: Believing the Vacuum of Space has a Temperature’
“Astrophysicists will tell you that the vast emptiness of outer space has no temperature. Space is empty, thus it is temperature-less. But ask a climatologist and you’ll be told space is “cold.” Such fallacy spawned the fatal error in the junk science known as “greenhouse gas theory,” also called the “greenhouse effect” (GHE).” Continue reading Claim: ‘Roy Spencer’s Fatal Error: Believing the Vacuum of Space has a Temperature’
‘Weaver causes media storm by stating the obvious — coal is climate change bad guy, not the oilsands’
Bad news for Bill McKibben and Robert Redford. Continue reading ‘Weaver causes media storm by stating the obvious — coal is climate change bad guy, not the oilsands’
TIME: ‘The problem for climate advocates…’
Did Gleick falsify the documents? Continue reading TIME: ‘The problem for climate advocates…’
Brian Merchant: The Hilarious Hypocrisy of Heartland’s ‘DenialGate’ Denial
What’s the difference between Climategate and Deniergate? Continue reading Brian Merchant: The Hilarious Hypocrisy of Heartland’s ‘DenialGate’ Denial
Murdoch accused of blocking coverage of ‘Deniergate’
More alarmist projection. Continue reading Murdoch accused of blocking coverage of ‘Deniergate’
India to overtake China as largest coal importer
You can stop worrying about your “carbon footprint” now. Continue reading India to overtake China as largest coal importer
NYTimes: Activist Says He Lied to Obtain Climate Papers
So is Gleick still a MacArthur “genius”? Continue reading NYTimes: Activist Says He Lied to Obtain Climate Papers