Democrat Congressman tries moving ‘Deniergate’ spotlight back to Heartland

Arizona Democrat Rep. Raul Grijavla urges investigation of Heartland-Indur Goklany-Department of Interior relationship. Continue reading Democrat Congressman tries moving ‘Deniergate’ spotlight back to Heartland

National Center: Congress Asked to Hold Oversight Hearings to Review Possibly Politicized EPA Grants

Peter Gleick might make a good witness for the Fifth Amendment. Continue reading National Center: Congress Asked to Hold Oversight Hearings to Review Possibly Politicized EPA Grants

Hallucination: Obama wants 80% of energy from ‘clean’ sources by 2035

As the “clean energy” scam collapses around the world, our Great Leader plans a comeback. Continue reading Hallucination: Obama wants 80% of energy from ‘clean’ sources by 2035